Hi all,
there was a similar discussion in at least one other post, see
Re: Is it possible real-time unbarring process?* Let me point out that it is probably not sufficient from a business point of view to simply "suspend" or "resume" a product (respectively, the corresponding services). Instead, one might wish to suspend only specific
parts of the product/service, e.g. for a telephony service only outgoing calls or international calls or similar.
* Moreover, one might want to submit the
reason and the
originator for the suspension (e.g. customer wish or operator determined).
* In addition, a suspension might imply a
(near) real-time barring of the service, i.e. a direct (and synchronous) use of Service Configuration API (TMF 640) without instantiating a product order.
Putting all together, I get the impression that a mere extension of the order item action type might serve as a quick and "technical" solution which, however, does not address thoroughly the complete business needs. Instead, my personal conclusion is to introduce a specific API for barring and unbarring purposes (with a suspension as a
specific resource) instead of extending the TMF622 API. But of course, as always, there is more than one possible way to handle it...
BR THomas
Thomas Dupré
Deutsche Telekom AG
Original Message:
Sent: Nov 12, 2019 16:35
From: Christopher Gonzalez
Subject: TMF622 Product Order Item Action values
Thanks Jonathan, it really makes sense now that you are mentioning the customer portal and the possibility of a reduced price.
Christopher Gonzalez
Intraway Corp
Original Message:
Sent: Nov 12, 2019 13:31
From: Jonathan Goldberg
Subject: TMF622 Product Order Item Action values
Hi Christopher
The expectation is that the Product Order that executes a suspend will spawn the relevant service order(s) to execute the suspension on the network. But it must be done also at Product level since:
- The recurring charge might be reduced (especially for a voluntary suspend), and this is done at BSS (Product Price) level
- The end customer is generally unaware of Services, she will typically see Products in a customer-facing portal.
Hope it helps
Jonathan Goldberg
Amdocs Management Limited
Any opinions and statements made by me on this forum are purely personal, and do not necessarily reflect the position of the TM Forum or my employer.
Original Message:
Sent: Nov 12, 2019 10:57
From: Christopher Gonzalez
Subject: TMF622 Product Order Item Action values
Hi I read all through your posts, and I want to add my experience to the group.
When ever you are dealing with suspend/resume actions, those actions will impact a service, cause the product it is always supported by one or more services, so to me if you want to execute a suspend you need to do it over the services directly and not in the product level.
My two cents...
Christopher Gonzalez
Intraway Corp
Original Message:
Sent: Nov 08, 2019 05:02
From: Prashantkumar Sonawane
Subject: TMF622 Product Order Item Action values
Product Order Item has a field 'action' which is of enumeration type OrderItemActionType.
This enumeration currently has following valid values:
- add
- modify
- delete
- noChange
This list should be extended to contain suspend (for temporary suspension of the service as per customer request or billing system) and resume.
Prashantkumar Sonawane
Amdocs Management Limited