Open APIs

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Use this community as your go-to resource to discuss anything and everything relating to TM Forum Open APIs:

  • learn how to implement them
  • post ideas and requirement for new types of APIs
  • share how you are using APIs
  • discuss domain specific applications

This is an open discussion area. TM Forum also has collaborative project work on Open APIs. To find out more click here

Latest Discussion Posts

  • Hi there. I have question about ProductOfferingPrice modeling. How to define the POP for PO for different catalogs/categories? In other words I have a PO that has different price for different systems/environment. I found a connection in SID: PO -> ...

  • The TMF679 specification has chnaged significantly from v4 to v5. In the v5 version the input information for the QueryProductOfferingQualification is provided through "searchcriteria", whereas the answers are provided using the "qualifiedProductOfferingItems". ...

  • Do we have any ODA component which exposes TMF681. ------------------------------ subhanshu shukla Enterprise Architect ------------------------------

  • Hi! I was looking for a list with all OpenAPIs related with each ODA components. I know that this relationship is available on TM Forum website but it's spread on several pages and I couldn't find this information consolidated. The only data that ...

  • Hi Nivetha, you can use below APIs for number management. you can refer to Catalyst C24.0.694 for more details. 639 - inventory operation 685 - pool operations (recently published with required enhancements) 716 - resource reservation 689 - ...
