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Use this community as your go-to resource to discuss anything and everything relating to TM Forum Open APIs:

  • learn how to implement them
  • post ideas and requirement for new types of APIs
  • share how you are using APIs
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This is an open discussion area. TM Forum also has collaborative project work on Open APIs. To find out more click here

Latest Discussion Posts

  • Hi, in the guideline documents I've only noticed JsonPath syntax which looks like this: filter=$.field[...]. In this form, the root of the expression is a single element, while the query is always run against a collection of resources. To my knowledge ...

  • Hi @Uwe Sülter @Matias Ridelnik or anyone else on the boards with any thoughts I was hoping that someone might be able to suggest any ideas on how to use the open apis to answer this use case? For me it just doesn't seem to really fit at the moment ...

  • Thank you Dan for your reply. We will consider adding a new field to the API. ------------------------------ Rosalin Panda Deutsche Telekom AG ------------------------------

  • Hi Rosalin You are right that there is no equivalent mechanism for controlling the visibility of orders to customers. The closest thing I can think of is the TMF672 User Roles & Permissions API which can support RBAC on any kind of entity, including ...

  • Hi Ahmad, I have raised it internally and will be added in TMF JIRA for the enhancement. I will update here on the status. Regards, Suresh Barman Vodafone ------------------------------ Suresh Barman Vodafone UK Ltd --------------------- ...
