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Constraints for ObjectCharacteristic in catalog

  • 1.  Constraints for ObjectCharacteristic in catalog

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Aug 26, 2024 11:05

    We try to understand the ObjectCharacteristic in Service Ordering API 5.0.0.

    How are constraints of such an ObjectCharacteristic defined in the Service Catalog?

    For example: How to ensure that an ObjectCharacteristic has a certain schema. Should  the catalog include a reference to an external schema? Can the schema be defined inside the catalog?

    In addition we try to understand if there is another possibility to represent complex objects is service catalog and it seems the characteristic relationships allow to define complex objects. Are there any examples how to do this? 

    Thanks in advance for any help or links to further information.

    Kind regards

    Michael Mehl
    Deutsche Telekom IT GmbH