Hi Abhinav,
Yes, you can choose to follow the TMF way of representing the URL. TMF630 Part 1 document provide guidance on versioning.
However, please also see TMF666 Account Management API which has a paymentPlan sub-resource. TMFC029 (Payment Management Component Document) provides some additional clarity as well.
Abdul Majid Hussain
Telstra Corporation
Original Message:
Sent: Aug 16, 2024 04:42
From: Abhinav Aggarwal
Subject: Extension of Payment Management API
Dear Contributors,
We have extended a Payment Management API to include Payment Plan as resource.
My End Point for paymentPlan resource would be like - /payment/v4/paymentPlan (similar to /payment/v4/payment)
Query is how to mention the version number of Payment Plan in resource URL ? like we mention it for Payment ?
Abhinav Aggarwal
Abhinav Aggarwal