I'm getting below error when running CTK for TMF638 API v5.0. I've configured the CHANGE_ME.json according to my endpoint but still getting the same error. Do I miss something?
Below is the error which I've highlighted bold :-
> oas_ctk_gen@1.0.0 start
> npm run report:clean && npm run ctk
> oas_ctk_gen@1.0.0 report:clean
> if exist cypress\reports rmdir /s /q cypress\reports
sh: 1: Syntax error: end of file unexpected (expecting "then")
> oas_ctk_gen@1.0.0 report
> npm run report:merge && npm run report:html
> oas_ctk_gen@1.0.0 report:merge
> mochawesome-merge cypress/reports/json/*.json > cypress/reports/index.json
> oas_ctk_gen@1.0.0 report:html
> marge cypress/reports/index.json --reportDir cypress/reports --inline
Tajul Fakhar Fahirurazi
TM Technology Services Sdn Bhd