ExternalIdentifier is flexible if you use polymorphism. your @Type could InternalId. But I agree it's not intuitive.
We do store some Resource Id with characteristicSpecification. It has an Id field. Or you can store the Id in the characteristicValueSpecification
Kind regards,
Matthieu Hattab
Lyse Tele AS
Original Message:
Sent: Jan 27, 2025 03:50
From: Imene Tekaya
Subject: How to declare a resource ID on a catalog using TMF 634 Ressource Catalog _ resource specification ?
It's my bad. I am talking about resourceSpecification from resourceCatalog API. An ExternalIdentifier is "ownedby or originates in a software system different from the current" , however in my case it will be an identification owned by the current one .
Imene Tekaya
Sofrecom Tunisie
Original Message:
Sent: Jan 27, 2025 03:35
From: Matthieu Hattab
Subject: How to declare a resource ID on a catalog using TMF 634 Ressource Catalog _ resource specification ?
There is no entity called "resource" in this API. It has resourceCatalog, resourceCategory, resourceCandidate and resourceSpecification. Please validate the API number and the entities you want to use.
in addition to the above 4 resource entities, you can also use externalIdentifiers to store more Ids. You can also change the API to suit your requirements.
Kind regards,
Matthieu Hattab
Lyse Tele AS
Original Message:
Sent: Jan 24, 2025 10:17
From: Imene Tekaya
Subject: How to declare a resource ID on a catalog using TMF 634 Ressource Catalog _ resource specification ?
I will use TMF 634 Ressource Catalog for fetching Device information from a catalog based on ID . Among this information, we need to return the resource Id.How do we declare it in the "resourcespecification", knowing that it is a different ID from the one used to query the API?
Imene Tekaya
Sofrecom Tunisie