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How to use RelatedPlaceRefOrValue to represent a place value and not just a reference?

  • 1.  How to use RelatedPlaceRefOrValue to represent a place value and not just a reference?

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Sep 27, 2024 09:26

    Hi, I'm completely new to tmforum standards, so hope this question makes sense. I'm working on implementing a data structure for storing InstallationAddress for a service (TMF638). Unfortunately, we don't have any geographic address management system that follows the tmforum standard. Reading TMF638_Service_Inventory (v5.0.0), there is an example of how to use the RelatedPlaceRefOrValue which looks like this:

    "place": [
            "role": "InstallationAddress",
            "place": {
                "href": "",
                "id": "2435",
                "name": "Customer primary location",
                "@type": "PlaceRef",
                "@referredType": "GeographicAddress"
            "@type": "RelatedPlaceRefOrValue"

    In this example above, this related place actually refers to a geographic address with ID 2435. So this is actually a reference to a place (that is stored inside the geographic address management api). But how will the datastructure look like if choose to pass by "value" instead of by "ref"?

    Concrete example: Let's say I just want to store the InstallationAddress as a set of coordinates (x-y), can I do something like this:

    "place": [
            "place": {
                "geometry": [
                        "x": "1.43",
                        "y": "43.59"
            "role": "InstallationAddress",
            "@type": "GeographicLocation"

    Does this following tmforum standard?
    Thanks in advance!

    Hai Dinh
    Telenor Sverige