I am looking for best practices in implementing Master Data Management for Key Service Address Attributes such as Country, Zip Code, State, City, Street Name which is part of Customer Address.
These Attributes typically needs to be a same list of values (Data Governance) across all the key IT ecosystem such as CRM, Billing, Resource Inventory, GIS, etc.
If we maintain different copies of data in each of these Applications - we may have Data Quality issues resulting in failures in E2E flows - for example Serviceability might fail if the City name is different in CRM vs what we may have stored in Resource Inventory or GIS
Typically every customer has a Service Address and as part of TMF666_Account_Management_API_REST_Specification, below is sample format -
contactMedium": [ { "preferred": false, "mediumType": "PostalAddress", "validFor": { "startDateTime": "2018-06-14T00:00", "endDateTime": "2019-01-10T00:00" }, "characteristic": { "city": "Paris", "street1": "15 Rue des Canards", "postCode": "75014", "country": "France" } }
Anirban Banerjee
Amdocs Management Limited