I think price in product catalog would remains same for all the customers. If you want to implement different price depends on some factors then IMO you can use promotions and offers.
Original Message:
Sent: Sep 18, 2024 04:17
From: Hoa Hoang
Subject: Product Rating Component
Thank you so much Elisabeth for your reply.
I'm looking to information about the price of the product, and the relationship between ProductCatalog, Product, Service, ProductOrder and all sort of things related. In the TMF622, there is a usecase illustrates the acquisition of a new mobile line featuring a mobile access. The productOrder API includes price (Access Fee: 0.99$, monthly fee: 20$/month, 20% first 3 months). I don't know if I understand it correctly that, a customer choose the product they want from the catalog and those prices already fixed by the productCatalog and those prices can not be changed in a product order instance or in a specific product order. Is there any chance those prices are different between customers?
Any explanation is appreciated!
Best regards,

Hoa Hoang
Viettel Group
Original Message:
Sent: Sep 17, 2024 04:39
From: Elisabeth Andersson
Subject: Product Rating Component
Hi Hoa Hoang,
Product Rating and Product Usage Management were merged into one component. I see now, that the we missed updating the description in V12 ( will check later versions as well and fix if required) and we normally cross out and say why we remove something and I don't see it done in this case.
Here is the link to the TMFC040 Product Usage Management and its desciption:
The Product Usage Components provides standardized mechanisms for product usage management (creation, update, retrieval, import and export of a collection of usages) and Product Rating & Rate Assignment by assigning a value (monetary or other) to an event in the context of a product ,a party (customers and partners) and payer.
The current version is 1.0.0 but it will be updated in the next sprint to align to changes in frameworks and also the new Component Template. Any feedback and input is appreciated!
Best regards,
Elisabeth Andersson
MATRIXX Software
Original Message:
Sent: Sep 17, 2024 03:16
From: Hoa Hoang
Subject: Product Rating Component
In the IG1242 ODA Component Inventory version 11.0.0, there was Product Rating component in Core Commerce Management. But this component is removed in the next version. Why is this component removed and is there any others component in ODA with that purpose - assign a value (monetary or other) to an event in the context of a product and payer, rating function calculates the tariff rate ..?
Hoa Hoang
Viettel Group