Unfortunately part 6 of TMF630 doesn't suggest any resolution for our problem apart from switching to another RFC5789 and usage of JSON paths inside its model. Switching to another RFC would anyway mean that we break requirements re support of RFC7386. Kubernetes's approach for resolution of absolutely the same issue is much better as it doesn't suggest us to rewrite all existing client code to the new model breaking backward compatibility.
Original Message:
Sent: Sep 02, 2024 01:27
From: Vance Shipley
Subject: Question regarding RFC 7386 and field-level security
JSONPath (RFC9535) should play a role in any solution here as it properly addresses the key issue.
Th exact problem you described is handled in TMF630 Part 6: JSONPath extensions.
Vance Shipley
Original Message:
Sent: Aug 30, 2024 07:18
From: Boris Khatkov
Subject: Question regarding RFC 7386 and field-level security
That is what I meant. There is no standard solution within either of these 2 RFCs.
However, there are a lot of examples of how others solve the issue.
For example, if I remember Kubernetes API introduced additional collection merging functionality on top of RFC7386 (that merges item by item) and allow to pass the flag to enable this strategy in the API call.
Should we have a look at that approach and include it in TMF APIs guidelines?
I think that attribute level security is super essential requirement and deserves to be addressed in the guidelines.
Refs to k8s docs:
Boris Khatkov
Principal Solution Architect, R&D
Netcracker Technology
Original Message:
Sent: Aug 30, 2024 06:56
From: Koen Peeters
Subject: Question regarding RFC 7386 and field-level security
Merge-patch only provides a solution for deleting attributes by providing a null value. However it doesn't provide a solution for manipulating arrays/collections other then provide the full array.
So I fear there is no standard solution to your problem of securing individual fields.
Koen Peeters
OryxGateway FZ LLC
Original Message:
Sent: Aug 30, 2024 02:57
From: Konstantin Tarasov
Subject: Question regarding RFC 7386 and field-level security
E.g. in Quote 648 API Specification:

The same is stated in all others API Specification documents.
Konstantin Tarasov
Netcracker Technology
Original Message:
Sent: Aug 30, 2024 00:03
From: Vance Shipley
Subject: Question regarding RFC 7386 and field-level security
@Boris Khatkov states: "RFC7386 is mandatory according to the specifications". Could you provide a citation? What specification makes merge patch mandatory? Is it required in any CTK?
Vance Shipley
Original Message:
Sent: Aug 28, 2024 09:09
From: Boris Khatkov
Subject: Question regarding RFC 7386 and field-level security
Hello Koen,
Konstantin is right. RFC7386 is mandatory according to the specifications, hence, we have to support it and our consumers must be able to use it. So, the question is still open.
Boris Khatkov
Principal Solution Architect, R&D
Netcracker Technology
Original Message:
Sent: Aug 27, 2024 04:26
From: Koen Peeters
Subject: Question regarding RFC 7386 and field-level security
Hi Boris,
RFC7386 (JSON Merge Patch) is not very suitable for merging complex entities with nested collections. It is intended for simple operations like status updates or adding timestamps.
RFC6902 (JSON Patch) already provides more flexibility and "TMF630 REST API Design Guidelines Part 5 (JSON Patch extension to manage arrays) provides extensions that help for your use case. You will be able to find reference implementations of this extension on the internet.
Koen Peeters
OryxGateway FZ LLC
Original Message:
Sent: Aug 26, 2024 05:15
From: Boris Khatkov
Subject: Question regarding RFC 7386 and field-level security
Hello everyone,
I would like to raise important question related to field-level security and its impact on RFC7386 (JSON Merge Patch).
My understanding is so that RFC7386 proposes to patch arrays (collections) as a whole (overwriting previous value).
We used to this behaviour and made our channels using TMF APIs sending all elements of nested collection to the backend event if just a single property was updated.
Now we want to apply field level security on the backend serving TMF APIs and facing the following issue - if we filter out some fields belonging to an element of some nested array/collection (e.g. some attributes of contact medium or identification in customer management API) and don't send them in the response to the consumer, then consumer using this data as a basis for patch operation will unintentionally overwrite them with null values (de-facto corrupting backend data).
Is there any recommendation on how to handle such an issue?
P.S. I was trying to find something about the subject but wasn't able, so if is was already discussed, please, point me to the topic.
Boris Khatkov
Principal Solution Architect, R&D
Netcracker Technology