You can of course add characteristics as an extension. In general, the Open API guidelines don't encourage the use of characteristics when they are not backed by a corresponding specification, since unrestricted characteristics severely weaken the contract.
Note that characteristics, with specifications, are indicated when there is inherent dynamicity in definitions, for example in catalogs and inventories where new offerings and lines of business can be introduced in many cases without code changes. In situations like types of sites, another approach might be more appropriate - to define concrete subclasses of GeographicSite, where strongly-typed properties could be defined per site type.
Hope it helps
Jonathan Goldberg
Amdocs Management Limited
Any opinions and statements made by me on this forum are purely personal, and do not necessarily reflect the position of the TM Forum or my employer.
Original Message:
Sent: May 21, 2024 01:25
From: Mahesh Choudhari
Subject: Site Characteristics in 674 geographical Site
Hi Steve, Very good question and observation. Even we have not yet encountered with site char. but mostly useful for such cases.
However in order to define more specific then under geographic site and geographic address you can use available fields like description to define more details about site and also under site you can have place object to define specific @type, @referred type, role to denote Data Centre or commercial site or network site etc.
Mahesh Choudhari
BT Group plc
Original Message:
Sent: May 20, 2024 08:45
From: Steven Tandil
Subject: Site Characteristics in 674 geographical Site
Has anyone encountered the need to define characteristics for a given geographical site ? For example, we want to define whether the site is a commercial building, residential area, data center or non-address site (e.g. traffic light). Each of the site type, we would like to define the characteristics (e.g. residential whether it is a apartment, townhouse, farm house, the size of the place, possible access etc).
What is the best practice to define the above in 674?
Thanks and best regards
Steven Tandil