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StockItem within SID can be associated with multiple manufacturers goods (PhysicalResource) yet the EAN, GTIN codes are unique per manufacturer

  • 1.  StockItem within SID can be associated with multiple manufacturers goods (PhysicalResource) yet the EAN, GTIN codes are unique per manufacturer

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Aug 28, 2024 04:31

    Hi All, @Sylvie Demarest

    In SID, it suggests that a StockItem may be provided by multiple manufacturers, yet the StockItemCode consists of EAN or GTIN or another industry standard identifier which is unique per manufacturer.  Is this a mistake in SID?


    Dan d'Albuquerque

  • 2.  RE: StockItem within SID can be associated with multiple manufacturers goods (PhysicalResource) yet the EAN, GTIN codes are unique per manufacturer

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Sep 02, 2024 08:16

    Hi Dan,

    input from web site :

    "A Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) is a unique number that identifies any pre-defined trade item (a product or service) that may be priced, ordered or invoiced at any point in any supply chain. Trade items include all services and products, from raw materials through to end user products.

    The Brand Owner, the organisation that owns the specifications of the trade item, regardless of where and by whom it is manufactured, is normally responsible for the allocation of the Global Trade Item Number (GTIN)."

    In SID model stock item corresponds to trade item in the previous definition. So no error in SID.

    Best regards


    Sylvie Demarest

  • 3.  RE: StockItem within SID can be associated with multiple manufacturers goods (PhysicalResource) yet the EAN, GTIN codes are unique per manufacturer

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Sep 03, 2024 21:39
    Edited by Dan d'Albuquerque Sep 04, 2024 03:09

    Thanks Sylvie.

    The example though seems to suggest that there are two solutions, which appear to be branded as Sagem or Inventel White Box, are offered to customers as trade items.  Based on GTIN, the model appears fine, but the example is perhaps slightly misleading.

    Also, for some (smaller) trade items, it is possible that there may not be a registered GTIN, in which case we would want to identify by SKU instead.  Are there any plans to add the SKU to an array of stockItemCode[s] so that we can check/reserve/adjust stock based on the SKU?
    Dan d'Albuquerque