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  • 1.  TMF 620 - Filtering

    Posted Aug 29, 2023 06:07

    Hi all, 

    According to Product Catalog Management API Conformance Template it is possible to apply filtering in GET operations. We can see that some filtering fields are mandatory or optional. My question is related to Mandatory filtering fields. As these fields are mandatory in filtering it means that, every time we use the GET (with no id) we need to send the mandatory fields? 

    If mandatory means what I describe how can we list all the entities without filtering? 

    Thank you

    Rui Ferreira

  • 2.  RE: TMF 620 - Filtering
    Best Answer

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Aug 29, 2023 07:23

    Hi Rui

    Possibly a misunderstanding. In the context of the query, the word mandatory means that the API implementation must support filtering by these fields. It doesn't mean that the fields must be populated by the consumer when invoking the GET operation.

    Hope it helps

    Jonathan Goldberg
    Amdocs Management Limited
    Any opinions and statements made by me on this forum are purely personal, and do not necessarily reflect the position of the TM Forum or my employer.

  • 3.  RE: TMF 620 - Filtering

    Posted Aug 29, 2023 07:28

    Yes Jonathan, it helps, thank you

    Rui Ferreira

  • 4.  RE: TMF 620 - Filtering

    Posted Aug 29, 2023 10:26

    Just another question @Jonathan Goldberg. I notice that the CTK runs a test to filter a resource per id, for example http://localhost:8087/tmf/v1/tmf-api/productCatalogManagement/v4/productSpecification?id=ciscofirepowerngfw_18

    My question in, according to the Product Catalog Management API Conformance Template the filter per id is Not Applicable, what should be the behaviour, filter or do not filter per id?(In my understanding it's not necessary to filter per id as you have the GET with id)

    Thank you

    Rui Ferreira

  • 5.  RE: TMF 620 - Filtering

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Aug 30, 2023 06:03

    Agree with you that GET with id as a filter fields is superfluous. However it doesn't do any harm. If this is the worst defect that we have in the conformance test kit we are in a good place :) .

    Jonathan Goldberg
    Amdocs Management Limited
    Any opinions and statements made by me on this forum are purely personal, and do not necessarily reflect the position of the TM Forum or my employer.

  • 6.  RE: TMF 620 - Filtering

    Posted Sep 01, 2023 07:28

    Ahah :) but just to clarify, what should I implement, the filtering with ID or ignore ID in filtering?

    Rui Ferreira