Hi, thanks for your message. Below is one sample from the API user guide. This explains how the offering structure looks like as this is array, including 1 offering. I am referring to customer selecting multiple offerings like 1 mobile, 1 NBN, 1 5g etc or multiple mobile plans etc. This shows the bundle offering as 100, with its relationship to 110, 120,130. I am looking for similar information but having multiple bundle offerings itself. Do you have any sample?
"note": [
"date": "2019-04-30T08:13:59.509Z",
"author": "Jean Pontus",
"@type": "Note",
"id": "1",
"text": "This is a TMF product order illustration"
"@type": "ProductOrder",
"channel": [
"role": "Used channel for order capture",
"@type": "RelatedChannel",
"channel": {
"@type": "ChannelRef",
"name": "Online channel",
"id": "1"
"description": "Product Order illustration sample",
"externalId": [
"owner": "TMF",
"externalIdentifierType": "POnumber",
"@type": "ExternalIdentifier",
"id": "456"
"creationDate": "2019-04-30T08:13:59.506Z",
"priority": "1",
"productOrderItem": [
"quantity": 1,
"productOffering": {
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef",
"name": "TMF25",
"id": "14277",
"href": "https://host:port/productCatalogManagement/v5/productOffering/14277"
"@type": "ProductOrderItem",
"action": "add",
"id": "100",
"state": "completed",
"productOrderItemRelationship": [
"relationshipType": "bundles",
"@type": "OrderItemRelationship",
"id": "110"
"relationshipType": "bundles",
"@type": "OrderItemRelationship",
"id": "120"
"relationshipType": "bundles",
"@type": "OrderItemRelationship",
"id": "130"
"product": {
"isBundle": false,
"productSpecification": {
"@type": "ProductSpecificationRef",
"name": "Mobile Telephony",
"id": "14307",
"href": "https://host:port/productCatalogManagement/v5/productSpecification/14307",
"version": "1"
"@type": "Product",
"productCharacteristic": [
"@type": "StringCharacteristic",
"valueType": "string",
"name": "TEL_MSISDN",
"id": "Char6",
"value": "415 279 7439"
"quantity": 1,
"productOffering": {
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef",
"name": "TMF Mobile Telephony",
"id": "14305",
"href": "https://host:port/productCatalogManagement/v5/productOffering/14305"
"@type": "ProductOrderItem",
"action": "add",
"itemPrice": [
"@type": "OrderPrice",
"price": {
"taxRate": 0,
"@type": "Price",
"taxIncludedAmount": {
"unit": "EUT",
"@type": "Money",
"value": 0.99
"dutyFreeAmount": {
"unit": "EUR",
"@type": "Money",
"value": 0.99
"name": "Access Fee",
"priceType": "nonRecurring",
"description": "Access Fee"
"payment": [
"@referredType": "CashPayment",
"@type": "PaymentRef",
"name": "Cash payment for access fee",
"id": "2365",
"href": "https://host:port/paymentManagement/v5/cashPayment/2365"
"id": "110",
"state": "completed"
"itemTerm": [
"duration": {
"amount": 12,
"@type": "Duration",
"units": "month"
"@type": "OrderTerm",
"name": "12Months",
"description": "Tariff plan 12 Months commitment"
"product": {
"isBundle": false,
"productSpecification": {
"@type": "ProductSpecificationRef",
"name": "TMF Tariff plan",
"id": "14395",
"href": "https://host:port/productCatalogManagement/v5/productSpecification/14395",
"version": "1"
"@type": "Product"
"quantity": 1,
"productOffering": {
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef",
"name": "TMF Tariff Plan",
"id": "14344",
"href": "https://host:port/productCatalogManagement/v5/productOffering/14344"
"@type": "ProductOrderItem",
"action": "add",
"itemPrice": [
"@type": "OrderPrice",
"price": {
"taxRate": 0,
"@type": "Price",
"taxIncludedAmount": {
"unit": "EUR",
"@type": "Money",
"value": 20
"dutyFreeAmount": {
"unit": "EUR",
"@type": "Money",
"value": 20
"name": "MonthlyFee",
"priceType": "recurring",
"description": "Tariff plan monthly fee",
"recurringChargePeriod": "month",
"priceAlteration": [
"applicationDuration": 3,
"@type": "PriceAlteration",
"price": {
"taxRate": 0,
"@type": "Price",
"percentage": 20
"name": "WelcomeDiscount",
"priceType": "recurring",
"description": "20% for first 3 months",
"priority": 1,
"recurringChargePeriod": "month"
"id": "120",
"state": "completed",
"billingAccount": {
"@type": "BillingAccountRef",
"id": "1513",
"href": "https://host:port/billingAccountManagement/v5/billingAccount/1513"
"productOrderItemRelationship": [
"relationshipType": "reliesOn",
"@type": "OrderItemRelationship",
"id": "110"
"product": {
"isBundle": false,
"productSpecification": {
"@type": "ProductSpecificationRef",
"name": "Coverage",
"id": "14353",
"href": "https://host:port/productCatalogManagement/v5/productSpecification/14353",
"version": "1"
"@type": "Product",
"productCharacteristic": [
"@type": "StringCharacteristic",
"valueType": "string",
"name": "CoverageOptions",
"id": "Char7",
"value": "National"
"quantity": 1,
"productOffering": {
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef",
"name": "Coverage Options",
"id": "14354",
"href": "https://host:port/productCatalogManagement/v5/productOffering/14354"
"@type": "ProductOrderItem",
"action": "add",
"id": "130",
"state": "completed",
"productOrderItemRelationship": [
"relationshipType": "reliesOn",
"@type": "OrderItemRelationship",
"id": "110"
"relatedParty": [
"partyOrPartyRole": {
"@referredType": "Individual",
"@type": "PartyRef",
"name": "Joe Doe",
"id": "456-dd-df45",
"href": "https://host:port/partyManagement/v5/individual/456-dd-df45"
"role": "Seller",
"@type": "RelatedPartyRefOrPartyRoleRef"
"partyOrPartyRole": {
"@referredType": "Customer",
"@type": "PartyRoleRef",
"name": "Jean Pontus",
"id": "ff55-hjy4",
"href": "https://host:port/partyRoleManagement/v5/customer/ff55-hjy4"
"role": "Customer",
"@type": "RelatedPartyRefOrPartyRoleRef"
"requestedStartDate": "2019-05-03T08:13:59.506Z",
"completionDate": "2019-05-02T08:13:59.506Z",
"expectedCompletionDate": "2019-05-02T08:13:59.506Z",
"id": "30001",
"href": "https://host:port/productOrderingManagement/v5/productOrder/30001",
"state": "completed",
"category": "B2C product order",
"requestedCompletionDate": "2019-05-02T08:13:59.506Z"
anbarasan parimalaselvan
Singtel Optus Pty Limited
Original Message:
Sent: Nov 15, 2024 04:54
From: Abel Ruiz Huerta
Subject: TMF622 Order API - Product Offering
Hi Abarasan,
The answer is a clear yes. The model supports building order item structures as complex as needed, including hierarchies and arbitrary relationships between elements. The model and relevant examples are available in the TMF622 API User Guide. Additionally, the use cases published under the IG1228 group documents may help you understand how various catalog configurations translate into product, service, or resource orders.
Hope it helps.
Best regards,
Abel Ruiz Huerta
Original Message:
Sent: Nov 14, 2024 00:07
From: anbarasan parimalaselvan
Subject: TMF622 Order API - Product Offering
Hi, do we know if we can add multiple bundles (product offering) in a single TMF622 order API. I see the payload has array format but for internal details like child, price etc. Does TMF622 allows to add multiple bundles in single API call or do we have to add 1 by 1, but updating the same order?
anbarasan parimalaselvan
Singtel Optus Pty Limited