It's always possible to extend a TMF schema with polymorphism.
As a Product is characterised by characteristics and their values, I just see 3 cases :
Here I'm at ProductSpecification level.
Now if we are at ProductOffering level, maybe I understand your point, you way want to precise the commerciel operation in order put a price on an operation ? For instance Renumber is not the same price as ChangeBanwidth ? If so then maybe we can use the allowedProductAction for this also (at ProductOffering level) ?
Original Message:
Sent: Jun 27, 2024 07:41
From: Amit Joshi
Subject: TMF622
Thanks Oliver, so does this mean - we will have a LoV of possible order actions for a given product as PS Characteristic (for now, lets call it 'Product Sub-action') and the same can be dependent on order action value - so if action = modify, then values for sub-action can be say modify, delete, etc but not 'new provide'.
Out of curiosity - can we not add an additional attribute at OrderItem level to hold this information? I understand this may involve a change to SID model.
@Jonathan - In many business implementations, we have seen that there is an order type - like provide, modify, cease, etc as the order container is generally specific to the business scenario and not open or generic use. How would we support such scenarios? Can we add type at ProductOrder level as extension to the SID model?
Kindly let me know your views.
Amit M Joshi
Amit Joshi
Hansen Technologies
Original Message:
Sent: Jun 27, 2024 05:18
From: olivier arnaud
Subject: TMF622
Hi @Amit Joshi
when I look at SID I can't find any type defined. The Product Order holds an action on a Product (that is an implementation of a ProductOffering or a ProductSpecification). Usually the actions are add (to create the product -> Customer owns the Product), modify (to modify the Product), delete (for asking Customer doesn't own Product). On add and modify actions there can be Product characteristics valued, that permits to know what has to be done. So for me Renumber could be a modify with new characteristic value, and add new service a modify main offer + add bundled offer inside.
Also @Jonathan Goldberg I don't think there should be any action on service or resource on a ProductOrder. We have Service Order and Resource Order for this. What do you think about this ?
olivier arnaud
Original Message:
Sent: Jun 27, 2024 04:41
From: Jonathan Goldberg
Subject: TMF622
Hi Amit
An Order is a container of Order Items. So the Order itself doesn't have a type, since (at least in principle) the contained order items will be doing different things. The same order might have an item for disconnecting a line and another item for modifying a line.
At Order Item level there is a nominal type explaining what the action is on the product/service/resource, these types currently tend to be technical (add/change/delete) rather than business (renumber, etc.).
Hope it helps
Jonathan Goldberg
Amdocs Management Limited
Any opinions and statements made by me on this forum are purely personal, and do not necessarily reflect the position of the TM Forum or my employer.
Original Message:
Sent: Jun 26, 2024 11:48
From: Amit Joshi
Subject: TMF622
Please can I have a view if TMF 622 provides any attribute for identification of the order type and further if so, does it cover type as well as sub-type? E.G. a Modify Order can have a sub type like Renumber, Add new service, etc.
Kindly let me know.
Amit M Joshi
Amit Joshi
Hansen Technologies