Hi Chetan
It's important to understand the difference between Party and PartyRole. I've made many replies in the past on this topic (try searching), but here's a summary:
- Party represents people (Individual) or groups/companies/government/voluntary (Organization) that are of interest to the service provider, but without saying anything about why. If you like, Party represents real-world entities that exist independently of the service provider. Of course the service provider is itself a Party.
- PartyRole represents the way that a Party interacts with the service provider (or with other parties) - examples are Customer, Partner, Employee, Product User, and many more
In the Open API model, many entities refer to Party or PartyRole, and this is enabled by the RelatedParty pattern. In RelatedParty, you need to point to an existing Party or PartyRole, and to give some context to the relationship by populating role (in v4 this was not mandatory, in v5 role is mandatory).
Hope it helps
Jonathan Goldberg
Amdocs Management Limited
Any opinions and statements made by me on this forum are purely personal, and do not necessarily reflect the position of the TM Forum or my employer.
Original Message:
Sent: Jul 09, 2024 02:50
From: Chetan Hirpara
Subject: TMF632 - Party Management
Hi Team,
As we are looking TMF632 Party Management<V5> API structure <PFB>, there is no "role" attribute but whenever we are using related party object as reference in other API as well as in TMF632 itself then we are adding/expecting role attributes. So if we want to refer already existing party then which role we should mention? As its not store during creation time.

Chetan Hirpara
Chetan Hirpara
Tech Mahindra Limited