Hello all
I have 2 problems with API TMF633 Service Catalog. Could you help me, please ?
1st problem : targetXXXSchema field
This API define a ServiceSpecification object and resource, that has a targetEntitySchema field.
A target entity schema (TargetEntitySchema). Pointer to a schema that defines the target entity.
However, inside the examples of ServiceSpecification don't have a targetEntitySchema but a targetServiceSchema (both PDF specification and previous json example).
==> Which field is correct ? targetEntitySchema or targetServiceSchema ?
Swagger definition : Open_Api_And_Data_Model/apis/TMF633_Service_Catalog/swaggers/TMF633-ServiceCatalog-v4.0.0.swagger.json at master · tmforum-apis/Open_Api_And_Data_Model
ServiceSpecification example : Open_Api_And_Data_Model/apis/TMF633_Service_Catalog/samples/ServiceSpecification.example.json at master · tmforum-apis/Open_Api_And_Data_Model
Extract of the example :
"id": "7655",
"href": "https://mycsp.com:8080/tmf-api/serviceCatalogManagement/v4/serviceSpecification/7655",
"name": "Firewall Service",
"description": "This service specification describes a firewall service that can be deployed in customer-premises equipment.",
"targetServiceSchema": {
"@type": "RFS",
"@schemaLocation": "https://mycsp.com:8080/tmf-api/schema/Service/RFS.schema.json"
"@type": "ResourceFacingServiceSpecification",
"@schemaLocation": "https://mycsp.com:8080/tmf-api/schema/Service/ResourceFacingServiceSpecification.schema.json",
"@baseType": "ServiceSpecification"
2nd problem
OK, whatever the field name, I was looking for the definition of the schema : https://mycsp.com:8080/tmf-api/schema/Service/RFS.schema.json
or this one : https://mycsp.com:8080/tmf-api/schema/Service/ResourceFacingServiceSpecification.schema.json
But sadly, I don't find it at all in Open_Api_And_Data_Model/schemas/Service at master · tmforum-apis/Open_Api_And_Data_Model
I looked for them in the whole git repository but without success.
Is there a specific class for RFS (or ResourceFacingServiceSpecification) ?
Thank you in advance
Sandrine Godmez