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TMF673 V4 Geographic Address Management API

  • 1.  TMF673 V4 Geographic Address Management API

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Nov 19, 2024 04:32
    Edited by Ashok Hathal Nov 20, 2024 03:49

    Hello Team,

    I appreciate if you can answer for below question for TMF673 Geographic Address Management API

    1.What is the use of Operations on Geographic Address Validation API?

    2. Looking One of USE CASE is that given address is valid or not. For that which API can be used ? If your suggestion for Address Validation API, then how will it be fit under submittedGeographicAddress and alternateGeographicAddress in response body parameters? Please suggest any other API?

    3.In case just need to add new flat detail, which API can be used as only Address Validation API only having POST API? If your suggestion to move to V5, But there is no CTK available for V5. then how?

    4.Why privateStreetName and privateStreetNumber is Mandatory attribute as per TMF673_Geographic_Address_Management_API_v4.0.0_conformance.pdf?
      Because it is not always the case where both are applicable ?

    5. The example given for Patch geographic address validation in TMF673_Geographic_Address_Management_API_User_Guide_v4.0.0.pdf
       where updating "name" attribute, But can you please confirm that "name" attribute is present in geographic address validation model?

    6.Can you please share any one request sample with filtering with multiple attribute like streetName,city,postcode,country?

    7. How to add more important parameters in response ? Please share any response example. 

    Best Regards,
    Ashok H.