Hi Dan,
thank you for reviewing this and explaining why the place was removed from the top-level resource model.
Setting the related place at the product level (QueryProductOfferingQualification.searchCriteria.product.place) should work for our use case.
Except for the place, the product would be empty, but since this is within the context of the search criteria for the QueryProductOfferingQualification, it seems fine.
Regarding the relatedParty property, I rechecked the specification and user guide and can confirm that it indeed already has a 0..* cardinality for both the Check- and QueryProductOfferingQualification models.
I must have confused it with a different property.
Martin Honert
Deutsche Telekom AG
Original Message:
Sent: Nov 18, 2024 01:03
From: Dan d'Albuquerque
Subject: TMF679: place and relatedParty differences between v4 and v5
Hi Martin
It appears that the place has been intentionally removed from the top-level entity to ensure consistency with the other product level APIs, i.e. order, configurator, etc. You can pass the related place at the product level instead. Also, the v5 relatedParty patterns seems to have the correct cardinality in the user guide that I have (see below)...
Note that there is a JIRA outstanding to fix the broken referenced in the published user guide. Unfortunately the generated folder (with invalid tooling reference) got accidentially commited to the TMF OAS repo. See [AP-5883] TMF 679 V5 QueryProductOfferingQualification two resource diagrams in user guide. - TM Forum JIRA

Dan d'Albuquerque
Original Message:
Sent: Nov 14, 2024 09:52
From: Martin Honert
Subject: TMF679: place and relatedParty differences between v4 and v5
Hello everyone,
v5 of the Product Offering Qualification Management API has recently been released.
I am currently evaluating how we can apply it to our use cases and have noticed the following changes between v4 and v5:
The relatedParty property, which used to be an array, is now limited to a single relatedParty.
The place property has been completely removed from the ProductOfferingQualification (in both the Query and Check variants).
The API user guide still mentions the place property and one of the example PATCH requests references it, which suggests it might have been accidentally removed from the ProductOfferingQualification in the specification. Can you confirm this?
Regarding the restriction on relatedParty, I am unsure whether this change was intentional. From my perspective, there could be multiple relatedParty entries in the request that impact the available offerings (e.g., "customer," "sales agent," "sales organization," etc.).
Best regards
Martin Honert
Deutsche Telekom AG