within Orange we have started implemented TMF701 Process Flow API on some projects. We would be interested to have some feedback of other companies having implemented it.
- do you use it for managing Engagement Management (-> for instance customer front-end channel) ? Example : front-end (FE) has no process. That implies the process is managed in a component using Process Flow API. So this same component (or a group of several components) can reuse sames processes across multiple FE to permit omnichannel experience.
- In that case, how do you manage the use case where the process asks the FE to display something to the customer ? For instance we are in the Party creation process (in Party component) and at one point the process asks the FE to request the Customer to fill his name and surname. How do you use Process Flow API for this interaction component -> FE ?
- do you use it for process delegation ? Process 1 asks process 2 to do something and waits for the process 2 response before continuing.
- do you use it for other use cases ?
olivier arnaud