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  • 1.  TMF706 Test Data Management API User

    Posted May 05, 2021 04:13
    I have some questions about TMF706.
    1.  For the TestDataInstance for the attribute "state" following  values are possible: 'incomplete', 'beta', 'stable', 'deprecated'
    Could you explain please when they should be used? Maybe you could provide some examples for each value?

    2. According to the TMF706  following attributes are mandatory for POST:
    - termsOfService
    - contact
    - license
    But according to TMF 706B, postman-collection and yaml file  they are not present in the list of mandatory attributes.
    Are these attributes mandatory or not for POST of TestDataInstance?

    Thank you in advance for response


    Ekaterina Afanaseva
    T-Systems International Services GmbH

  • 2.  RE: TMF706 Test Data Management API User

    Posted May 11, 2021 14:16
    Hello Ekaterina,

    Sorry for the delayed reply. These attributes are not mandatory. They are not even a part of the resource model (please refer to the resource model p 11). This is stale data that somehow made it into the published document. I'm investigating what happened. Apologies.

    Edward Pershwitz
    ITEA Technologies

    Edward Pershwitz
    ITEA Technologies, LLC

  • 3.  RE: TMF706 Test Data Management API User

    Posted May 12, 2021 02:05
    Hello Edward,
    Thank you for your answer and support. And what is about the first question? Is is possible to provide some examples?

    Ekaterina Afanaseva
    T-Systems International Services GmbH

  • 4.  RE: TMF706 Test Data Management API User

    Posted May 17, 2021 05:32
    Hello Edward,
    could you provide some information about the first question?
    Thank you

    Ekaterina Afanaseva
    T-Systems International Services GmbH

  • 5.  RE: TMF706 Test Data Management API User

    Posted 28 days ago

    Hi Ekaterina Afanaseva

    Could you please share some example ?

    thank you 

    Mounir MESSAOUDI
    Ooredoo Algeria