Hi Sukhada
There is already a JIRA to add the isPromotion and promotionCode concrete fields to the ProductOffering entity. As you are proposing to have a single offering with multiple promotionCodes/POPs, it makes sense to also add the promotionCode to the PriceAlteration entity as well. I will update the JIRA accordingly.
For the staff discount, have you considered using the polymorphism pattern rather than the "manualAdjustmentTypeCode" that you are proposing? SID already proposes various types of price alteration.

For the status of the service/resource inventory instances, I am presuming you want to get all the fulfilment status back in the order API, rather than querying the inventories? This requirement has popped up on the community before, so I will open a JIRA so that the architecture team can discuss the best way forward.
Original Message:
Sent: 11/5/2024 10:56:00 PM
From: Sukhada Karandikar
Subject: RE: Usage of characteristics and relationship within Order API TM622
Hi Dan,
Thanks for the reply. Please help with the below
For (1), please can you provide an example of the fields/characteristics that you propose to add to the priceAlteration?
example characteristics:
"name": "promoCode",
"value": "PR-SUB$OFF-BTL05FOR12",
"valueType": "String"
"name": "manualAdjustmentTypeCode",
"value": "StaffDiscount",
"valueType": "String"
For (2), there is already an order relationship within the TMF622 Product Ordering API. This allows you to create a relationship to the respective Service and Resource Orders as required. See the diagram from SID and the API relationship below...
This orderitem relationship is being used, however where can i specific what's the status of fulfilment for the service or resource item. also order relationship is available from v5. I want to pass this information in the Get OrderAPI response.
Sukhada Karandikar
Telstra Corporation
Original Message:
Sent: Nov 05, 2024 21:55
From: Dan d'Albuquerque
Subject: Usage of characteristics and relationship within Order API TM622
Hi Sukhada
For (1), please can you provide an example of the fields/characteristics that you propose to add to the priceAlteration?
For (2), there is already an order relationship within the TMF622 Product Ordering API. This allows you to create a relationship to the respective Service and Resource Orders as required. See the diagram from SID and the API relationship below...

Dan d'Albuquerque
Original Message:
Sent: Oct 30, 2024 01:54
From: Sukhada Karandikar
Subject: Usage of characteristics and relationship within Order API TM622
As part of retrieving the order details(TMF622) there are 2 below use cases for which we need guidance
- we need to pass on additional characteristics on the promotion/discount characteristic as part of order retrieval. Can we add characteristic as subresource for priceAlteration priceAlterationCharacteristic
- We need fulfilment status to be sent back at order as well as order item level in certain cases. We think ResourceRelationship can be used by adding resourceRelationShip, resourceRelationshipCharacteristic sub-resource in productOrder and productOrderItem. Can this be done.
Any guidelines when to use and when not to use characteristic and resourceRelationship entity
Can you please help here
Sukhada Karandikar
Telstra Corporation