No, currently there are no mandatory notifications on the TMF672 Roles and Permissions API.
Original Message:
Sent: 11/3/2024 5:07:00 AM
From: Satish Kumar
Subject: RE: Usage of extension schema (TMF630) in spec design for API following TMF672
Thanks Dan for clarifying the above.
TMF672 also has notification event endpoints. But currently our specific implementation doesnt require any notifications to be sent.
So, Is it also mandatory to implement those endpoints when following TMF672 spec?
Satish Kumar
Telstra Corporation
Original Message:
Sent: Oct 24, 2024 22:42
From: Dan d'Albuquerque
Subject: Usage of extension schema (TMF630) in spec design for API following TMF672
Hi Satish
The permissionSetSpecification tied to the permissionSet resource is for the implicit permissions automatically assigned to the party playing a PartyRole. When the PartyRole is instatiated for the Party, a PermissionSet (implicit) should be created at the same time, based on the association between the PartyRoleSpecification and the PermissionSpecificationSet.
The permission field within PermissionSet is for assigning a permission or permissions (set) relating to specific managed entities, e.g. a specific Product.
Jonathan Goldberg wrote a summary of this API on the TM Forum wiki at TMF672 User Role Permission API V5.0.0 - Open API Project - TM Forum Confluence
Hope this helps
Dan d'Albuquerque
Original Message:
Sent: Oct 23, 2024 00:06
From: Satish Kumar
Subject: Usage of extension schema (TMF630) in spec design for API following TMF672
Thanks Lutz and Dan for your response.
In v5 spec, for a permissionSet resource, I see the payload / spec has these two fields in request:
> permission. (permission also has a permissionSpecificationSet)
> permissionSetSpecification
So what is the difference between "permissionSpecificationSet" inside "permission" field and the "permissionSetSpecification". The reference class for both of them is same- "PermissionSpecificationSetRef".
Satish Kumar
Telstra Corporation
Original Message:
Sent: Oct 22, 2024 03:59
From: Dan d'Albuquerque
Subject: Usage of extension schema (TMF630) in spec design for API following TMF672
Hi Satish
Sub-classing the Permission[Set]Specification for a Permission[Set] instance will break the entitySpec/entity pattern. Rather than adding your extended status field, it may be better to add the entitySpecification lifecycleStatus and version fields to the Permission[Set]Specification. I can raise a JIRA ticket on this in TM Forum and you can temporarily add these fields to your version of the TMF672 OAS.
Note that there have been considerable changes between the TMF672 v4 and v5 APIs. Permission in v4 has been replaced with a PermissionSet instead. The permissions within the PermissionSet are embedded permissions.
Otherwise, in terms of your polymorphism fields, these are generally correct except perhaps you could use something like @type=PermissionSetSpecificationExtension (rather than PermissionSet the entity/instance).
Dan d'Albuquerque
Original Message:
Sent: Oct 21, 2024 09:52
From: Satish Kumar
Subject: Usage of extension schema (TMF630) in spec design for API following TMF672
Dear Members,
We are designing a User Permission API as per the TMF 672 v5.0.0 spec and have some queries on the attributes like @type, @baseType etc and the applicable API URI endpoints.
1. While POSTing a permissionSpecification resource, we have to add few attributes to the request which is not in TMF672 spec v5.0.0. As per guidelines in TMF630 (Chapter 1 and 2), can we extend the PermissionSpecification schema and introduce a new subtype e.g. "Permission", so the request would be as below:
"@type": "Permission", -- this is the extended schema.
"@baseType": "PermissionSpecification",
"@schemaLocation": "/my-loc/api/permissionSpecificationWithStatus.yml",
"id": "ps-7e0a2d18",
"function": "Report",
"action": "view",
"name": "Permission for report",
"status": "active"
2. Similarly to (1) above can the extension be applied to other resources like "PermissionSpecificationSet" and "PermissionSet"
Please can someone help and provide any inputs for the above queries.
Satish Kumar