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TMF 638 service state transition from reserved to terminated.

  • 1.  TMF 638 service state transition from reserved to terminated.

    TM Forum Member
    Posted 27 days ago

    Hello All,

    I have few queries on the TMF 638 state transitions as per the Version 5.0.0 could you please advise. 

     In a customer journey scenario after feasibiltyChecked,  and since the customer wants to proceed , the service is moved to reserved state. Service instance is created in reserved state (it could be called as RFS) and reserving certain % of the network resources capacity, and record is stored in service inventory DB with the details of network resources. The service needs further steps like siteSurvey etc before we can move the service to active. If the siteSurvey conclude that the service cannot be provided , we need to remove the service instance (terminate followed by purge later) .

     There is no direct transition possible from reserved to terminated , in case of reserved RFS service resources.   Shouldn't transition from reserved to terminated be a valid state ?  as per the description of "reserved state" service is already instantiated .

     Q1 - if transition from reserved to terminated is not allowed,  how RFS can be freed up ? should the service transition to inactive and then to terminated ?

    Q2 - If the service instance is allowed to be moved from reserved to inactive,  and then inactive to be terminated . Why is direct reserved to terminated, not a valid state transition in the state diagram?

    Q3 - Moving from reserved directly to retired , is that a delete operation ?



    anu rajagopal
    Telstra Corporation