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  • 1.  TMF633 targetEntitySchema and targetServiceSchema - Polymorphism

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Apr 26, 2024 05:35

    Hello all

    I have 2 problems with API TMF633 Service Catalog. Could you help me, please ?

    1st problem : targetXXXSchema field

    This API define a ServiceSpecification object and resource, that has a targetEntitySchema field.

    A target entity schema (TargetEntitySchema). Pointer to a schema that defines the target entity.

    However, inside the examples of ServiceSpecification don't have a targetEntitySchema but a targetServiceSchema  (both PDF specification and previous json example).

    ==> Which field is correct ?  targetEntitySchema or targetServiceSchema  ?

    Swagger definition : Open_Api_And_Data_Model/apis/TMF633_Service_Catalog/swaggers/TMF633-ServiceCatalog-v4.0.0.swagger.json at master · tmforum-apis/Open_Api_And_Data_Model

    ServiceSpecification example : Open_Api_And_Data_Model/apis/TMF633_Service_Catalog/samples/ServiceSpecification.example.json at master · tmforum-apis/Open_Api_And_Data_Model

    Extract of the example : 

        "id": "7655", 
        "href": "", 
        "name": "Firewall Service", 
        "description": "This service specification describes a firewall service that can be deployed in customer-premises equipment.", 


        "targetServiceSchema": {
            "@type": "RFS", 
            "@schemaLocation": ""


        "@type": "ResourceFacingServiceSpecification", 
        "@schemaLocation": "", 
        "@baseType": "ServiceSpecification"


    2nd problem

    OK, whatever the field name, I was looking for the definition of the schema :

    or this one :

    But sadly, I don't find it at all in Open_Api_And_Data_Model/schemas/Service at master · tmforum-apis/Open_Api_And_Data_Model

    I looked for them in the whole git repository but without success.

    Is there a specific class for RFS (or ResourceFacingServiceSpecification) ?

    Thank you in advance

    Sandrine Godmez

  • 2.  RE: TMF633 targetEntitySchema and targetServiceSchema - Polymorphism

    TM Forum Member
    Posted 25 days ago

    Nobody knows ?

    Sandrine Godmez

  • 3.  RE: TMF633 targetEntitySchema and targetServiceSchema - Polymorphism

    TM Forum Member
    Posted 23 days ago

    Hi Sandrine

    1st problem - appears to be a defect in the examples for v4 of the API. It looks like this problem is repeated also in v5, so I plan to open a defect report.

    2nd problem - there is currently no official publication of the Open API data model, as far as I am aware. The GitHub repository you refer to is not up-to-date to the best of my knowledge. I don't have visibility about if or when there will be a publication. However even if the model is published, it will not contain the schemas that you are looking for, since the whole purpose of the targetEntitySchema is to refer to extensions of the base Open API model.

    Hope it helps

    Jonathan Goldberg
    Amdocs Management Limited
    Any opinions and statements made by me on this forum are purely personal, and do not necessarily reflect the position of the TM Forum or my employer.