Hi Mohamed,
At Sparx Services North America we have created a complete
interconnected model of all the Frameworx, including SID, OpenAPI, ODA, eTOM, TAM, DMM and so on. See below an example

At DTW we have presented the result of over 1,000 hours of work as
content packs for the modeling tool Sparx Enterprise Architect.
The complete mapping between SID and OpenAPI is still ongoing, because the source material is vague about this, but we have included all the available relationships and we plan to complete the mapping in the next weeks.
Giuseppe Platania
Principal Enterprise Architect
Sparx Services North America
Original Message:
Sent: May 16, 2019 13:34
From: Mohamed Abdelhadi Mohamed Ibrahim
Subject: OpenAPIs and SID Mapping
Maybe I was not very clear Jonathan. Yes I understand this and I was looking into this topic from a CSP context. And as part of compliance with TMF OpenAPIs, we are looking to define our data model and align it with SID based on the mapping between OpenAPis and SID. And I understood from you earlier that, the mapping between OpenAPIs and SID is not complete, so I wanted to understand more on this subject(what existing so far and what still needs to be define)
Mohamed Abdelhadi
Original Message:
Sent: May 14, 2019 05:41
From: Jonathan Goldberg
Subject: OpenAPIs and SID Mapping
The SID is a logical information model for the CSP business. I don't think it was intended to be used as an underlying data persistence model (especially not relational/SQL, perhaps a document-based persistence could be closer to the SID). From a practical perspective, you need to consider how to map your (Open-API-based) functional exposure (APIs) into the underlying persistence layer (relational, object, whatever) that best meets your business needs.
This is my opinion (only) - SID leaders ( @Michel Besson and @Cecile Ludwichowski) may have different views :).
Jonathan Goldberg
Amdocs Management Limited
Original Message:
Sent: May 13, 2019 12:51
From: Mohamed Abdelhadi Mohamed Ibrahim
Subject: OpenAPIs and SID Mapping
Thanks Jonathan for your response. I have tried to respond to you yesterday, but not sure if you received my response.
My point was if any organization needs to adopt the OpenAPIs this mapping is very much required, not only in the APIs but also to create their CDM(Canonical data model). Therefor, I am very interested to understand to which extend this mapping has been completed.
Anyhow thanks again I will in touch with @Cecile Ludwichowski for better understanding.
Mohamed Abdelhadi Mohamed Ibrahim
Ericsson Inc.
Original Message:
Sent: May 11, 2019 15:05
From: Jonathan Goldberg
Subject: OpenAPIs and SID Mapping
The information model used in the Open API is based on the SID, with some simplifications, flattening, denormalization, etc., to make the model more suitable for an API implementation.
We have published several mapping documents for specific TMF Open APIs, the document numbers take the form TMF<xxx>A.
Currently, however, due to other priorities, we are not continuing the mapping document.
Feel free to reach out to @Cecile Ludwichowski , SID leader, who also coordinated the mapping effort.
Hope it helps.
Jonathan Goldberg
Amdocs Management Limited
Original Message:
Sent: May 10, 2019 11:21
From: Mohamed Abdelhadi Mohamed Ibrahim
Subject: OpenAPIs and SID Mapping
Hello Guys,
I have quick question, does the OpenAPI has a different version of SID, like extended version of SID that is vary from the original one ?. This has came in on of the discussion that I was having today.
My understanding OpenAPIs and SID goes hand in hand and SID is always kept up-to date with all ABE/entities to support the OpenAPIs and there is no such separate SID for OpenAPIs that is different from the original one.
Mohamed Abdelhadi
Ericsson Inc.