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  • 1.  Communication API REST Specification Status for the multiple receivers

    Posted Oct 16, 2019 08:03

    As per the, Communication API REST Specification, we can provide multiple receivers for single communication message. It works fine for the normal happy scenario when message is sent successfully to all the receivers or in case where if fails for all.
    But what should be status of communication message when system fails to send messages to few of the receivers.

    Further we also want to re-send the failed notification after mannual intervation. so it is important to indetify for which of the receivers message has been already sent and for which it is failed.

    How should be treat these case. Please suggest.

    Hiren Shah
    Sterlite Technologies Limited

  • 2.  RE: Communication API REST Specification Status for the multiple receivers

    Posted Nov 14, 2019 06:01
    Edited by Rabinder Devnani Nov 14, 2019 06:01
    Hi @Hiren Shah,

    The issue is being discussed in following thread posted by @Jay Vaishnav. Currently the API supports sending the message to single channel only (message receiver in your terminology). Problems of sending the message to multiple channels in single API is discussed in the following thread.

    If you are referring to "register listener" method of the API, then it is completely different from multiple channel.

    Please continue your comments on below thread.

    Rabinder Devnani
    Sterlite Technologies Limited

  • 3.  RE: Communication API REST Specification Status for the multiple receivers

    Posted Nov 15, 2019 03:44
    Hi @Rabinder Devnani,

    Thanks for the update!!.

    My query is regarding single Chanel notification to multiple receivers. Consider following API request for sending email notification to 2 individuals ( John Doe & James Smith):

       "href":"http://serverlocation:port/communicationMessage/v1/communicationMessage/5 6445633245",
       "subject":"News: the latest promotion for you",
       "sendTime":"2016-12-19 T04:00:00.0Z",
       "sendTimeComplete":"2016-12-19 T05:00:00.0Z",
       "description":"this is communication message for promotion",
       "content":"Dear $Parameter1, Here is the information of the promotion $Parameter2",
             "value":"Mr. Bush"
             "value":"4G_LTE Discount 30%"
             "path":"/attachedfile/1, /attachedfile/",
       " sender":{
          "name":"ABC Company",
                "name":"John Doe"
                "name":"James Smith"

    Now, what should be status of notification, when notification is successfully send to James but fails for John?

    Hiren Shah
    Sterlite Technologies Limited

  • 4.  RE: Communication API REST Specification Status for the multiple receivers

    Posted Nov 15, 2019 06:31
    Edited by Rabinder Devnani Nov 15, 2019 06:32
    Hi @Hiren Shah,

    Ok, I got your point now. I see that there is a 1 to many relation between CommunicationMessage & Receiver​  in the resource model of Communications API Specification document, but what I did not find was LoVs of status field in TMF681B_Communication_API_Conformance_Profile_R18.0.1.docx or Rest API Swagger ( In my view the relationship denotes to handle the case of bulk notification i.e. same message to many customers in one go.

    I think the problem is similar in nature to that discussed in thread that I have referred to in my previous comment; like it is difficult to manage fault & retry mechanism in multi-channel case, the same applies here also. There are two options that I can think of:

    1. We can make the relationship between CommunicationMessage & Receiver as 1:1 and consider that notification generating/originating systems will send multiple notifications for each end receiver
    2. Or we can introduce a status field to receiver resource which will keep track of status of message sent to each receiver along with defining our own LoVs for status at CommunicationMessage resource level like "Partially Completed" if one of the messages to receiver fails, "Failed" if all of them fail.

    @Abdeljalil Abataleb@Knut Johannessen@Hugo Vaughan any thoughts on this ?

    Rabinder Devnani
    Sterlite Technologies Limited

  • 5.  RE: Communication API REST Specification Status for the multiple receivers

    TM Forum Member
    Posted May 17, 2023 13:44

    Hi TMF experts,

    I'm interested to know what is the prefer ways to solution this.  Currently communication request seems to design as 1 communicaiton to 1 receiver, but the receiver also is an array.  I need to find a way to capture the messageID and correlationId.

    Can you share your experience on this or any feedback?

    Keven Chan
    Rogers Communications Inc.