Open APIs

TMF 685 Resource Pool Management is relatedParty. href is mandatory attribute ? 

Oct 12, 2020 07:22

Hi All,
I want to implement TMF 685 Resource Pool Management API. I was going through the documentation provided on the TM Forum Open APIs.
The API specification documentation says href for related party in POST as well as PATCH operation is not mandatory for both Reservation API and Resource Pool API. All the examples in this document do not have href included in thier sample requests. Also it is observed in other TMF APIs that href is usually not mandatory attribute in POST requests. However it is observed that href is included in response in most of the cases.
In conformance document for TMF 685 Resource Pool Management API it has mentioned href is mandatory attribute for related party, if relatedParty is included in POST as well as PATCH operation for both Reservation API and Resource Pool API. However it is not mentioned if above statement is applicale for request or response or both.

Please clarify if href should be included in the POST REQUEST for both Reservation API and Resource Pool API or it can be skipped. We are already providing id, role and name for related party id in the request.

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2 Files
pdf file
TMF685_Resource_Pool_Management_API_REST_Specification_R1....pdf   1.23 MB   1 version
Uploaded - Oct 12, 2020
pdf file
TMF685B_Resource_Pool_Management_API_Conformance_Profile_....pdf   220 KB   1 version
Uploaded - Oct 12, 2020

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Jun 14, 2022 05:14

@Ketki Mujumdar
you will not get any help in the library section. library section is only meant for members to submit their own documents to help others. Also, You don't upload documents that already exist on TMF website, it create unecessary duplicate and will be out of date. Instead you can provide the URL to the document.

Member questions must be posted in the discussion section.

Oct 12, 2020 09:22

@Jonathan Goldberg​ could you please help on this

Oct 12, 2020 08:19

@Jonathan Burg could you please help​

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