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Use this community as your go-to resource to discuss anything and everything relating to TM Forum Open APIs:

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Latest Discussion Posts

  • As I explained, the provideAlternative and provideResultReason are in CheckServiceQualification. I've pasted this diagram directly from the v5 user guide at the Open API published materials ...

  • @Jonathan Goldberg Thanks a lot for clarification. Its really helpful to build my knowledge. 1) Agree, provideAlternative and provideResultReason are properties of the CheckServiceQualification task resource but we are not getting these ...

  • Hi Rahul This thread might be of interest to you. To summarize, if the product is serialized, trackable, and/or high value (mobile ...

  • Hi Chetan 1) The ServiceQualification API has two primary resources, representing the two capabilities exposed by the API: Query (what services are available in principle) and Check (can a given configuration actually be provisioned). provideAlternative ...

  • Hi Team, I have below queries regarding service qualification V5, does it missing information or new behavior? 1) Service qualification have below data model structure while swagger have " provideAlternative" and "provideResultReason" fields thats ...
