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Use this community as your go-to resource to discuss anything and everything relating to TM Forum Open APIs:

  • learn how to implement them
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Latest Discussion Posts

  • Hi All, What is TMF API to be used for Number Management (Wireline /MDN/IP) ?. Should we use Resource Catalog/Resource Inventory/Resource Order/Resource Activation API? What is the TMF API for number portability. Thanks, Nivetha ------------------------------ ...

  • Hi Jonathan, TMF 645 Service qualification version 5.0 has Resource model specifications for Intent , Geographic address, Service. Currently I use TMF 673 to get the geo address details during Service qualification. Does the latest version allow ...

  • Hi, very good question, we have implemented TMF679 for "modify product" Intent (using Check resource) and we'll soon start the next phase and add the "change product" intent (using Query resource), where the API will present a list of qualified product ...

  • Thank you a lot @Matthieu Hattab . Document IG1228 including mentioned TMFS use cases is great. Also TMF760 Product Configuration Userguide. (There is a typo: not TMF670 but TMF760 !) is source of important information. I can recommend. ------------------------------ ...

  • Dear Experts, TMF620 Entity lifecycle state specifies 'In Study', 'In Design', 'In Test' phases before an entity becomes 'Active'. Can you help me with the following- As per TMF, What is the recommended default 'state', an entity should be ...
