Open APIs

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Use this community as your go-to resource to discuss anything and everything relating to TM Forum Open APIs:

  • learn how to implement them
  • post ideas and requirement for new types of APIs
  • share how you are using APIs
  • discuss domain specific applications

This is an open discussion area. TM Forum also has collaborative project work on Open APIs. To find out more click here

Latest Discussion Posts

  • Thank you a lot @Matthieu Hattab . Document IG1228 including mentioned TMFS use cases is great. Also TMF760 Product Configuration Userguide. (There is a typo: not TMF670 but TMF760 !) is source of important information. I can recommend. ------------------------------ ...

  • Dear Experts, TMF620 Entity lifecycle state specifies 'In Study', 'In Design', 'In Test' phases before an entity becomes 'Active'. Can you help me with the following- As per TMF, What is the recommended default 'state', an entity should be ...

  • Hello everyone, I would like to understand why the specification includes "ProductOfferingRef" as a resource instead of "ProductOfferingRefOrValue." I was hoping the POQ would return a list of Product Offerings along with their prices. In our case, ...

  • Thanks Matthieu for your concise explanation. ------------------------------ David Mariblanca MATRIXX Software ------------------------------

  • Hello, To add to what Matthew has said, there is a specific certification for APIs in production called 'real-world'. This means you can certify your API as usual and obtain an additional certification for each customer where you deploy that API in ...
