Original Message:
Sent: May 26, 2023 11:50
From: Santiago Lorente
Subject: API around Revenue Sharing Data
@Anton Tsapko before using the TMF 635 for managing the collection of usages, did you create the related UsageSpecification, defining the characteristics of the partner service (usage definition: numbers, start and stop date-and-time) to communicate to the charging system the description of the usage (comprised of characteristics, which define all attributes known for a particular type of usage.)?
Santiago Lorente
Original Message:
Sent: May 25, 2023 11:52
From: Phil Moss
Subject: API around Revenue Sharing Data
I don't have any additional further answer to the original question but I wanted to share that I see a similar issue when I consider Product Rating.
Usage events are well covered but other types of events such as lifecycle events are not. TMF635 is very explicitly tied to usage. Another similarity is that Product Rating is also a scenario where volume could bring into question whether an API should be the only ingress mechanism.
It would be good if the specification for the proposed Product Rating component covered these points.
Phil Moss
MATRIXX Software
Original Message:
Sent: May 24, 2023 02:33
From: Jonathan Goldberg
Subject: API around Revenue Sharing Data
Definitely, Anton - TMF635 is for manipulation of discrete usage records, not for bulk.
Jonathan Goldberg
Amdocs Management Limited
Any opinions and statements made by me on this forum are purely personal, and do not necessarily reflect the position of the TM Forum or my employer.
Original Message:
Sent: May 23, 2023 16:03
From: Anton Tsapko
Subject: API around Revenue Sharing Data
I very much agree with your reasoning. A batch file is suited better in this situation.
I got just a bit confused, because in my opinion the usage use-case could also very much be a batch kind of interface rather than API - but still, it has an API definition in TMF.
Why would I consider usage also to be suited for batch; here is an example:
If a company A leases fibers in 5000 different cable segments (of different length) from another company B, 5000 usage data points (for fiber usage) are generated per month. (One cable segment can have up to 288 fibers in it). So in some cable segments in one particular month they might use only 10 fibers, in others 50, depending on the number of internet products they sell to the end-consumers.
If company A has to pay for the usage of fibers in all those 5000 cable segments on yearly basis. That would be 12 x 5.000 = 60.000 usage data points that need to be collected/transferred once in a year in one go. In that case a batch would be more advantageous, wouldn't it be?
So am I correct to assume that the TMF635-Usage Management should be used in cases with low volume data points then?
Best Regards
Anton Tsapko
Original Message:
Sent: May 23, 2023 15:22
From: Jonathan Goldberg
Subject: API around Revenue Sharing Data
Hi Anton
I'm not aware of an API that handles the revenue sharing. I'm not an expert in this area, but I have the feeling that typically this type of activity is done by batch, rather than online APIs. However perhaps the trends are changing and there are needs for synchronous behaviors. In that case, bear in mind that the TM Forum is a member-driven organization, and you might want to consider contributing such an API.
Jonathan Goldberg
Amdocs Management Limited
Any opinions and statements made by me on this forum are purely personal, and do not necessarily reflect the position of the TM Forum or my employer.
Original Message:
Sent: May 23, 2023 10:33
From: Anton Tsapko
Subject: API around Revenue Sharing Data
Hi all,
is there an open api definition to provide volume/revenue data in case of a revenue sharing model to a partner system?
In my case I am building a system that will perform complex rating/pricing calculations that will be then used to produce an invoice in the next step.
The rating has two types of components :
1. fees payed based on usage data from network products that the company leases from its partners (pipes, cable segements, technical infrastructure in the ground etc)
2. fees based on volume data from products the company produces on the leased infrastrucitre from (1) and sells to consumers. So basicaly the company has a revenue sharing model. For example: If the company sells Internet Access Product to the consumer John Galt in that area, it has to additionaly to (1) pay 5% of the revenue to the parner from whom she leased the infrastructure from.
I found the TMF635 Usage Management API which can be used to build an API that will provide data for (1= usage) to my sytem. Now I am looking for an API that could be used to provide volume/revenue data to my "calculation" system. I would like to build my system on that api and build an adapter infront of the system that shares the volume/revenue data for with my system.
Does such API definition for sharing revenue (in shared revenue models) exist? If no, what would be the recommendation for implementing revenue sharing models in general? I did not find much documentation on that. Just a few lines in Business Parner Payment Handling L4.
Best Regards
Anton Tsapko