Thanks Matthieu that confirms SID and Open API have an opposite definition of this word.
Original Message:
Sent: Mar 19, 2024 10:36
From: Matthieu Hattab
Subject: BundledProductOffering SID and Open API misalignment
API definition:
BundledProductOffering. A type of ProductOffering that belongs to a grouping of ProductOfferings made available to the market. It inherits of all attributes of ProductOffering.
when we implemented this API, we didn't consider BundledProductOffering as a type of product offering. I admit I didn't read that definition from the API guide back then. We just considered BundledProductOffering as a container of other POs.
@Jonathan Goldberg do you have JSON payloads with meaningful examples showing BundledProductOffering including association with the new BundledGroup?
EDIT: in the swagger, there is another definition:
Represents a containment of a product offering within another product offering, including specification of cardinality (e.g. is the bundled offering mandatory, how many times can it be instantiated in the parent product, etc.).
Kind regards,
Matthieu Hattab
Lyse Platform
Original Message:
Sent: Mar 18, 2024 04:54
From: olivier arnaud
Subject: BundledProductOffering SID and Open API misalignment
It seems to me that SID and OpenAPI are not aligned in the BundledProductOffering definition. I understand they have an opposite definition of this word. Do you confirm ?
- SID : A BundledProductOffering can contain several ProductOffering (that can be also BundledProductOffering or SimpleProductOffering)

- Open API TMF620 : a ProductOffering can contain several BundledProductOffering. So a BundledProductOffering is a ProductOffering that is contained in another ProductOffering.

olivier arnaud