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  • 1.  Cost Model to calculate Margin for a deal (quote)

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Feb 20, 2024 07:55


    We are doing transformation the B2B Enterprise space. There are business requirements to calculate the margin for each quote (a must for a very large TCV deal) and submit a request to the commercial team to perform detailed financial modelling of the deal for min/max discount, margin erosion, FCF etc. We are looking to improve and automate the cost component of the product offering and interface between the CPQ/quoting tool and the commercial team's system. 

    With my limited knowledge of TMF, I am looking at

    1. TMF 620 Product Catalogue API - There is an extensive model on the price part of the equation but none in the Cost part. May I know whether there is any API and initiative to model the cost? 
    2. The TMF648 Quote Management API is used to pass the quote information to a commercial system. Similar to 620, there is a price component but not in the cost. Is there any API which can be used to pass the price and the cost information.

    Any pointer or assistance is greatly appreciated. I am also keen to hear from Enterprise peers on this domain.

    Thanks in advance.


    Steven Tan
    NCS Pte Ltd

  • 2.  RE: Cost Model to calculate Margin for a deal (quote)

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Feb 20, 2024 09:25

    Hi Steven

    There was work being done on a dedicated Cost API, precisely for this purpose, but it seems to have stalled. I'll try to reach out to the people who were involved in that to see what the status is.

    Jonathan Goldberg
    Amdocs Management Limited
    Any opinions and statements made by me on this forum are purely personal, and do not necessarily reflect the position of the TM Forum or my employer.

  • 3.  RE: Cost Model to calculate Margin for a deal (quote)

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Feb 21, 2024 07:20

    Hi Jonathan,

    Thanks for the prompt response.

    It would be great if you could share the people working on this. I am keen to participate and contribute to the Cost API initiative.

    Please DM me if there is non public related information involved.

    Steven Tandil
    NCS Pte Ltd

  • 4.  RE: Cost Model to calculate Margin for a deal (quote)

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Feb 22, 2024 09:50

    Hi Steven

    I understand from the Telstra team that they are nearing readiness for a v5 definition of the API. I have asked them to reach out to you, but I don't think I can share their contact details with you without their consent.

    Jonathan Goldberg
    Amdocs Management Limited
    Any opinions and statements made by me on this forum are purely personal, and do not necessarily reflect the position of the TM Forum or my employer.

  • 5.  RE: Cost Model to calculate Margin for a deal (quote)

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Feb 22, 2024 17:16
    Edited by Varun Nair Feb 22, 2024 17:17

    Hi Steven,

    We are finalising the Cost model & Cost API documentation in v5 of the TMF APIs. Based on your current explanation of the use case, I believe this use case is already covered. I am scoping a few more weeks to finish off the documentation, once it is completed,  I will put a message here for you to have a check on the model.

    Varun Nair
    Telstra Corporation
    Note: This is an opinion based on my research and not an official TMF response.

  • 6.  RE: Cost Model to calculate Margin for a deal (quote)

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Feb 23, 2024 07:12

    Hi Varun,

    Thanks for the response. I don't expect that the other CSP who is working in this domain are neighbors :).

    I have DM you separately for the specific.

    Best regards


    Steven Tandil
    NCS Pte Ltd