Hi Team,
We need your guidance to verify our developed APIs compliance with CTK.
As per CTK, Its expecting only Post operation payload in config.json file. Here we can also pass header information but it will be applicable only for Post operation while other operations <Patch/Get/Get{id}> are not getting this header information and instead getting it from postman_collection.json file.
Our implementation have multiple use cases for single operation. For example TMF629- Customer Management Patch operation will be used for our two use cases, 1) update customer 2) merge customer. So here we have used specific attribute for each use cases/operations for example "CREATE_CUSTOMER", "UPDATE_CUSTOMER", "RETRIVE_CUSTOMER".
As per limitation of passing such operation wise information in CTK config.json, can we update CTK postman_collection.json as per our implementation required fields?
Apart from this, if you observe TMF629- Patch operation CTK payload then you will get only mandatory input information like "engagedParty" while our implementation is also expecting other inputs as mandatory like name, account ref etc. So here again we required other than mandatory inputs in CTK postman_collection.json.
Please suggest CTK execution/implementation with respect two cover our two requirement as mentioned above.
Chetan Patel
Tech Mahindra Limited