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  • 1.  Do you know any experience of building system based on SID model on AWS DynamoDB ?

    Posted Apr 06, 2023 11:47

       Hello all,

    I'm trying to understand and find any experience (good or bad) on building system based on SID model using AWS DynamoDB as database.
    AWS DynamoDB has its own Pros and Cons. I worry about building complex SID data-model, relationships using key-value database AWS DynamoDB.
    From SID perspective, I'm talking about ProductOffering, Price, Customer Account, Interaction, Addresses, different relationships, and related objects for mentioned ones.

    Thank you in advance for any your thoughts or experience.



    Sergii Omelchenko

  • 2.  RE: Do you know any experience of building system based on SID model on AWS DynamoDB ?

    Posted Apr 07, 2023 09:43

    Hi Sergi,

    A document db will be a better choice as Product, customer can hierarchies where embeded document structures work well. Key value pair may work for elements like usage or invoice detail.
    The update strategy and version management in document db depend on the model, embeded vs referenced.For key value pair the attribute level updates seem simple but creating the full picture taking the latest instance will require more effort.


    Ravi Maddi
    Tata Consultancy Services

  • 3.  RE: Do you know any experience of building system based on SID model on AWS DynamoDB ?

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Apr 18, 2023 09:02

    I'm not sure that the TMF SID model is intended for actual implementation as-is. It's a very comprehensive conceptual model shedding light on the information needs in the service provider domain. But the model is very heavy on deep class hierarchies, has strict (some would say austere) normalization, and is economical with attributes.
    The Open API resource model, which is spiritually and methodically derived from the SID, is probably an easier basis for a persistence model, given that it is simpler as well as field-tested in real implementation.
    But this is just my opinion

    Jonathan Goldberg
    Amdocs Management Limited
    Any opinions and statements made by me on this forum are purely personal, and do not necessarily reflect the position of the TM Forum or my employer.