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  • 1.  GeographicAddressValidation Entity

    TM Forum Member
    Posted May 18, 2023 06:59

    Hi all,

    My question is around the geographicAddressValidation entity, Im not sure would be the difference in creating an address in a master system or making a validation of an address to the same.
    Lets say that an address is provided to be validated, but that address is not existing in the address master system. Then there is a process to verify whether this address is valid, giving back to the consumer an Id (this would be the validation entity) . Once the address is validated, through a notification the consumer gets updated the status to "Verified"... But what would happen to the new address created in the master system? how can the master system reply with the new geographicAddress ID? the consumer does not really care about the validation Id... but yes to the address Id. 

    I would also like to ask which will be the best way of customising address formats for different countries... the definition provided is very generic but to adhere to a country specific, many changes would be needed. Should we extend the definition based on different schemas per country? How would we refer to each different definition, through the @Type=''countryAddress" and @subType="Portugal" for example?

    Thank you all for your thoughts!

    manuel pastor

  • 2.  RE: GeographicAddressValidation Entity

    TM Forum Member
    Posted May 18, 2023 07:30


    I am not sure I fully understand the question put will give my view as to how address validation could work.

    One creates a validation request with as much of the address details as one has and asynchronously one of three things I believe can happen.

    The "validation" fails and no new geographic address is created.

    The "validation" works but finds a suitable alternative or even fuller address that  can be returned using alternativeGeographicAddress or 

    validGeographicAddress complete with id from the master database.

    The "validation" works but a new address has to be created in the master database based on the submitted data (and possibly enhanced)  in which case again either alternativeGeographicAddress is created or a full
    validGeographicAddress is returned for the newly created address again with id from the master database.

    The implication of this though is that an addressValidation created is unusable as an address until the validation is complete and an address is found or created in the master database with a suitable id.

    We have a similar process but we allow "temporary" suggested addresses to be created in the master database with a usable id which can be used for product orders. During order fulfilment, the temporary address is validated by us and either accepted and in effect promoted in value or replaced with a suitable alternative.

    I also agree there are many different national address formats and that customisation is required. I am not fully au fait with how best to represent that but it feels like a type of the geographicAddress base class?

    Derrick Evans
    BT Group plc

  • 3.  RE: GeographicAddressValidation Entity

    TM Forum Member
    Posted May 18, 2023 10:53

    Thanks Derrick, this paragraph replies to my question:

    "We have a similar process but we allow "temporary" suggested addresses to be created in the master database with a usable id which can be used for product orders. During order fulfilment, the temporary address is validated by us and either accepted and in effect promoted in value or replaced with a suitable alternative"
    But in any case, we would only use the addressvalidation endpoint to initially create a new address in the master system. The validateAddress service will give back the validation Id (which would have an status like "pending validation" and the new temporary address ID created in the master. Once the address is verified, the address will have a verified status, and the consumer could be notified on this status change, but through the addressValidation event resource.- The consumer will then update accordingly the local address record based on this response...

    Sorry if my wording is not the most comprehensive...

    manuel pastor

  • 4.  RE: GeographicAddressValidation Entity

    TM Forum Member
    Posted May 18, 2023 11:22

    That makes sense.
    In our case the "master" addresses are addresses where we have a designed access network route to the geographic location identified by the address. Or at least we have records of a survey that shows how the network could be used to provide services to that location. Those master addresses than can be used as an input to product offering qualification and we can provide a reasonable response as to what products can be made available based on the known state of the network in that location.

    For "temporary" addresses we do not have a precise understanding of how to serve the location and, until a survey is done or someone has done some checking on a GIS system, the qualification is based on nothing more than the validated zipcode/post code in the address provided. So in effect there is a penalty to using the unvalidated/verified address in an order as up front order validation is limited by the lack of precise network GIS data. We do not prevent customers placing orders with temporary addresses but there is a warning that their order might be delayed subject to survey and possibly even rejected.

    Derrick Evans
    BT Group plc

  • 5.  RE: GeographicAddressValidation Entity

    TM Forum Member
    Posted May 18, 2023 07:45

    This of course depends on countries. but many countries have national address registry. When customer use the address form on the web, each address field is validated. Using prediction (you type the first letter of the street name, city... and we suggest the rest of the word) helps avoid bad address data.

    using a interactive map can also help.

    when we set up new fiber network in area that don't have yet an address, we create temporary ones. but this does not involve communications with a customer. it's done manually  in BSS.

    Kind regards,

    Matthieu Hattab
    Lyse Platform

  • 6.  RE: GeographicAddressValidation Entity

    TM Forum Member
    Posted May 21, 2023 08:29

    Please see other recent posts regarding extending the TMF Open API address model for specific jurisdictions and standards.
    Regarding the business processes for handling unverified or temporary addresses, I think that these flows are beyond the scope of TMF Open API definitions. Worthwhile considering, perhaps, as flows in eTOM or in ODA end-to-end use cases.

    Jonathan Goldberg
    Amdocs Management Limited
    Any opinions and statements made by me on this forum are purely personal, and do not necessarily reflect the position of the TM Forum or my employer.