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  • 1.  How to propagate/map user identity (MSISDN) down to RFS or Resource Orders

    Posted Sep 06, 2023 14:50

    Hello colleagues, 

    I would like to ask your expert opinion about how we shall pass user Identity (MSISDN in particular) to service decomposition and service charactistic

    We have the following structure

    • CFS Mobile Data bundle (Turbo Button) with respective realized by RFS (Turbo Button)
    • RFS is using OCS Profile Resource (as per IG1228) with several characteristics propagated from CFS and Product Spec

    our Resource Order Manager is triggering Resource Activation which in turn sends provisioning command to OCS host. This is where OCS Profile requires user identity (MSISDN) in order to correctly provision OCS Profile on OCS system. 

    My question - how usually TMF recommends to pass user identity to service ordering when we activate dependant service which already does not require Number as resource (it has been already previously ordered within main MobileLine CFS), via service characteristics mapping/copy from source to target specification? In this case do we need to include MSISDN as characteristic to CFS and RFS spec? OR

    we have to pass user identity through Related Party structure to be available in Service Order? and then what ?

    we have other way? 

    Please recommend the best way to avoid hard coding and avoid changes in ordering software when we introduce our network services like Fixed where we have another user identity. 

    Thanks and have a good day. 



    Vasily Zinovyev
    Mobile TeleSystems OJSC

  • 2.  RE: How to propagate/map user identity (MSISDN) down to RFS or Resource Orders

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Sep 07, 2023 05:59

    Hi Vasily,

    Here is some suggestion may be it will work or from them you can generate better model:

    • Embedding Directly in Specifications: By integrating the MSISDN directly into both the CFS and RFS specifications, we ensure that every related service or component carries the necessary user identity information. This approach offers direct access to the MSISDN whenever it's required during service provisioning or related processes.

    • Utilizing a Related Party Structure: Implementing a structured framework, such as the "Related Party structure," allows for the centralized storage and retrieval of user identity information. This method ensures that the MSISDN is associated with the relevant service orders, providing a holistic view of user interactions and dependencies.

    • Adopting Advanced Middleware Solutions: Leveraging sophisticated middleware or orchestration platforms can facilitate dynamic retrieval and association of user identities. Such systems can intelligently map and provide the necessary MSISDN based on the context of service requests, ensuring flexibility and scalability for future service additions.


    Mehmet Beyaz

    Mehmet Beyaz
    TTG Uluslararsi LTD

  • 3.  RE: How to propagate/map user identity (MSISDN) down to RFS or Resource Orders

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Sep 08, 2023 12:55
    Edited by Pooja Vakharia Sep 08, 2023 13:44

  • 4.  RE: How to propagate/map user identity (MSISDN) down to RFS or Resource Orders

    Posted Sep 08, 2023 14:27

    Dear Mehmet and Jean-Marie

    Thanks for your opinions, you helped a lot to define right way of implementing this. You would be authors of some Lines of software inside our platform. :) Many thanks for sharing your experience.


    Vasily Zinovyev
    Mobile TeleSystems OJSC