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  • 1.  Issues implementing TMF736 (Revenue Sharing Algorithms Management) API

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Oct 04, 2023 08:47

    Hello everyone,

    on the 19th of september two APIs concerting revenue sharing management were released: TMF738 and TMF736. The implementation of TMF738 went fine, but we experience problems with TMF736

    The issues are connected to the field atType in classes TmfPolicyEntityRef und TmfPolicyConditionRef.

    The error that we get is the following:

    Caused by: Ambiguous field mapping detected!
    Both private java.lang.String org.openapitools.model.TmfPolicyEntityRef.atType and private java.lang.String
    org.openapitools.model.TmfPolicyConditionRef.atType map to the same field name atType!
    Disambiguate using @Field annotation!


    What we did:

    • We used the OpenAPIGenerator version 7.0 to automatically generate classes for our springboot application
    • The generated classes are based on the YAML file of TMF736
    • During the compilation we recieve the above error message. We interpret that error such as the classes cannot write data from the field atType to MongoDB because the field was already mapped from some other mapping of the genrated classes.
    • We have tried several workarounds but were not successfull.

    Does anyone have an idea what the problem could be?

    Best Regards


    Anton Tsapko

  • 2.  RE: Issues implementing TMF736 (Revenue Sharing Algorithms Management) API

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Jan 10, 2024 07:37

    Hi all, did anyone have a chance to experiment with this new API and make it work?

    Anton Tsapko