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  • 1.  Price and discount encoding in TMF622 and TMF679

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Jun 28, 2021 07:18
    Could someone confirm my reading of the price coding in TMF622 and TMF679?
    My reading of the spec is that a discounted price would be encoded as the original price and a price alteration block containing the _delta_ on that price.
    E.g. if we have a tax-exclusive price of £50 with a £5 discount for 6 months would we have the structure below?

    {"productPrice" : [{"priceType" : "Recurring",
    "recurringChargePeriod" : "Month",
    "price" : {"taxRate" : 20.0,
    "dutyFreeAmount" : {"unit" : "GBP",
    "value" : 50}},
    "productPriceAlteration" : [{"applicationDuration" : 6,
    "name" : "Summer discount",
    "priceType" : "Discount",
    "price" : {"dutyFreeAmount" : {"unit" : "GBP",
    "value" : 5}}}]}]}
    I assume we can make common fields implicit - e.g. taxRate, recurring ChargePeriod?
    Is there any convention for encoding the net price? I.e. £(original - discount), £45?

    Thanks, Alasdair

    Alasdair MacLeod
    BT Group plc

  • 2.  RE: Price and discount encoding in TMF622 and TMF679

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Jun 28, 2021 07:40
    Hi Alasdair
    This looks correct, as far as I can tell.
    I am not aware of a convention for reflecting the net price - one could argue that this could be delegated to an experience layer to do the calculation. You could of course extend the model to add the net price.
    Hope it helps.

    Jonathan Goldberg
    Amdocs Management Limited
    Any opinions and statements made by me on this forum are purely personal, and do not necessarily reflect the position of the TM Forum or my employer.

  • 3.  RE: Price and discount encoding in TMF622 and TMF679

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Jun 28, 2021 10:27
    Thanks Jonathon

    Alasdair MacLeod
    BT Group plc

  • 4.  RE: Price and discount encoding in TMF622 and TMF679

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Aug 17, 2023 07:15

    Hi Jonathan,

    I stumbled upon this post and have a query regarding this. We are thinking of implementing this a bit differently. So, wanted to get your thoughts on the same.

    In the current example:

    Tax exclusive List Price = £50

    PriceAlteration = £5 for 6 months

    Net Price = £45

    The structure that we are thinking would be something like

    {"productPrice" : [{"priceType" : "Recurring",
    "recurringChargePeriod" : "Month",
    "price" : {"taxRate" : 20.0,
    "dutyFreeAmount" : {"unit" : "GBP",

                       "productOfferingPriceRef" : {id: ID of the PoP associated to the Product offer
    href: reference to the PoP associated to the Product offer
    //This can be used to retrieve the list price if needed },

    "productPriceAlteration" : [{"applicationDuration" : 6,
    "name" : "Summer discount",
    "priceType" : "Discount",
    "price" : {"dutyFreeAmount" : {"unit" : "GBP",
    "value" : 5}}}]}]}

    Please let me know your views..

    Karthik Hallymysore
    Oracle Corporation