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  • 1.  Price Breakup for Bundled Product Offering

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Feb 22, 2024 04:30

    If there is a bundled product offering consisting of a number of products, services and resources, then the bundled price could be at the Product Offering level.  But how do we get the breakup of all the prices of services and resources?  Further, a few services and resources could be optionally opted by the customer, so this breakup becomes essential.  There could be certain discounts applicable if customer opts for a specific combinations of services and resources.  How to handle these scenarios? Do we create ProductOffering for each service and resource separately also? 


    Dr. Sudhir Kumar Mittal
    Jio Platforms Limited

  • 2.  RE: Price Breakup for Bundled Product Offering

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Feb 23, 2024 08:36

    Hi Sudhir,

    The hierarchy is PO - > Product Spec-> Service Specs (CFS and RFS) and also PS - > Resource if a Physical and/or Logical resource is involved. 

    As you pointed out the price is defined at the PO. It can also be defined at the PS so that the services and resources  under that PS are priced against that PS (Can also be based on the characteristic value selection at the PS). Multiple PS can be under one PO. So some of the PS can have the cardinality value 0..1 and  based on the selection or non-selection of that PS (meaning the services under the PS - which are actually hidden during the selling process), the pricing is rolled up to the PO level. The other approach is as you put it. Define child POs and bundle them into a bundle PO. Sometimes we use a combination of both the approaches. 


    Sri-Jagadish (Jag) Baddukonda
    Bell Canada

  • 3.  RE: Price Breakup for Bundled Product Offering

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Feb 26, 2024 07:49


    My understanding from SID.

    • is that a simpleProductOffering is made from a single ProductSpecification. A SimpleProductOffering can't be made from several ProductSpecifications but only 1. A BundledProductOffering is not directly made from several ProductSpecifications but at the end bundles several SimpleProductOffering.

    • price is only at PO level, not at ProductSpecification level, not at CFS level, not at RFS level, not at Resource level

    olivier arnaud

  • 4.  RE: Price Breakup for Bundled Product Offering

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Feb 26, 2024 08:29
    Edited by Jag Baddukonda Feb 26, 2024 08:38

    Hi Olivier,

    Correct. Please use a composite PS underneath a PO and you can have more than one PS.

    Regarding price, you need to extend the model. If you just use only POP, then the number of PO s is too many and that will have a  negative impact on other entities.

    The end objective is to use the standards, make the implementation a success and improve the standard as a continuous process :-) 


    Sri-Jagadish (Jag) Baddukonda
    Bell Canada

  • 5.  RE: Price Breakup for Bundled Product Offering

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Feb 26, 2024 08:36

    I agree with you @olivier arnaud.  That is why I had initiated the post.  

    @Jag Baddukonda, I think any product specification, by virtue of it being specification should not have price associated with it.  Offering is the one for the customer to go for, and there the price is making sense.  Regarding multiple product specifications under one product offering, it is not allowed directly, but you rightly pointed out that it could be a hierarchy.  

    My question still remains, do we create a product offering for each chargeable resource or service with specific price? 


    Dr. Sudhir Kumar Mittal
    Jio Platforms Limited

  • 6.  RE: Price Breakup for Bundled Product Offering

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Feb 26, 2024 08:50

    Technically Yes.  We can create a PO for every chargeable resource. But that will blow up the model and will have an impact on the cart, PI Instance etc. 

    Also we need to consider the hierarchy in a B2B Multi Site installation and the Product Order Structure when it is submitted to the OM.

    For e.g. Where are we storing each of the sites,  the technical feasibility for each of those site which impacts the pricing and cart configuration  in the structure when it is submitted

    So it is better to extend some of the functionality.

    Sri-Jagadish (Jag) Baddukonda
    Bell Canada

  • 7.  RE: Price Breakup for Bundled Product Offering

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Feb 26, 2024 11:35
    Edited by Matthieu Hattab Feb 26, 2024 12:21

    Multiple PS entities cannot be under one PO.

    it is true that some BSS do allow your scenario, this is not true with TM Forum SID:

    • An simple PO has min 1 and max 1 PS
    • An bundle PO has min 0 and max 0 PS

    you can use composite PS but modeling POP with a composite PS is asking for trouble. I have yet to see an example that makes sense from a marketing view (which is what PO and POP are)

    Kind regards,

    Matthieu Hattab
    Lyse Platform

  • 8.  RE: Price Breakup for Bundled Product Offering

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Feb 26, 2024 12:05

    Pricing should not be at the composite PS :-)

    It should be used only to build the hierarchy and extend the model.

    Sri-Jagadish (Jag) Baddukonda
    Bell Canada

  • 9.  RE: Price Breakup for Bundled Product Offering

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Feb 26, 2024 11:29

    I'll assume this question is about product modelling at "design time" (when the marketeer create a product offering to represent how the productSpecification is sold ((i.e. packaging rules, prices, alterations, commitments…) and not how the product offers are presented to engagement channels at "run time".

    while we're guessing what you mean, a bundle product offering only consists of other product offerings.
    A bundle has no relationship with services and resources.
    SID and Product Catalogue API don't support (and should not) the association of a product/service/resource specification with a bundle PO entity.

    Do we create ProductOffering for each service and resource separately also?

    you have your answer now. theoratically, you can bundle specifications, but this is asking for trouble.
    I always recommend to create atomic product specifications and associate it to one or more product offerings. Then create bundles of POs.
    Each PO can then be sold through different bundle or as standalone with different prices, sales channels, catalogues, policies, customer segments, product terms. etc. modeling your product spec as multiple different PO gives you the maximum flexibility and open the doors for a truly customer-centric product catalogue.

    In short: create your POs, give them a POP, bundle the POs add price override, discount etc.
    the price of the bundle can be:

    • dynamic: a rollup function that sums all POP of selected components
    • static: the bundle has one price only. if customer selects optional or alternative POs, then their prices will be available as separate contextItem (cart line, order line...)
      • this solution has some challenges with alternative POs that are typically modelled with a markup price. For instance the bundle has a fixed price of €39 /mo and has internet 500 and IPTV basics selected as default in the bundle definition. Changing to Internet 2500 would incur an extra charge of €99 and not the full price of €119 because the bundle price of €39 includes internet 500.

    hope this helps,


    PS: recommended reading on product and prices modelling:

    • GB920 (product guide), IG1228 (various product model examples), IG1261, IG1100, IG1129, IG1236, IG1233 and possibly IG1125, GB994 and IG1183
      certain API docs also provide some insights from examples and use cases (TMF620, TMF760).
      you can also rummage trough TMF confluence and you can (not easy) find product models created by CSPs and ISVs. Such documents are typically available in meeting minutes.
      The TMF community (in API and ODA communities) has lots of examples and discussions about pricing, discounting etc. it's the most discussed topic.

    Kind regards,

    Matthieu Hattab
    Lyse Platform