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  • 1.  Promotion - Criteria Check and Storing Promo info on ordering details

    Posted Jan 23, 2023 07:22
    Edited by Abhijeet Sharma Jan 23, 2023 07:39

    I checked TMF671 promotion, that include definition or promotion entity that include actions/criteria. But couldnt find link of promotions in shopping cart/product order side i.e. how shopping cart/product order ability to add promo and store relevant info to show certain products/benefits added due to promotion. 

    Its two part question 

    (1) E2E Flow for promotion (code) use and how it will impact shopping cart/product order for traceability 
        - Where/when exactly promotion criteria check and actions are performed ? 
        - More examples of patters/criteria/actions 

    (2) Where exactly promo information can be stored at product order (assuming promo action is adding free product) 

    What are recommendation/suggestion?

    Abhijeet Sharma
    Amdocs Management Limited

  • 2.  RE: Promotion - Criteria Check and Storing Promo info on ordering details

    TM Forum Member
    Posted 14 days ago

    Hi , did you get the answer to the above query?

    I am facing a similar conflict regarding the overlapping API scope. 

    Parveen Bhutiani

  • 3.  RE: Promotion - Criteria Check and Storing Promo info on ordering details

    TM Forum Member
    Posted 13 days ago

    promotion management

    promotion API is exposed by the product catalogue management ODA component.

    The SID has almost no information on promotion except this statement:

    The Product Promotion ABE describes the publication of a ProductOffering to encourage Parties to buy, rent, or in some other way procure the offering

    That's not much.

    Also,  the term "promotion" is such a generic marketing concept that can mean anything you want and therefore different use cases can involve different APIs


    Depending on what a promotion is for you, you can use TMF679 POQ API, the latest TMF679 specification accepts promotion entity in the POST request (the check.xxxxx endpoint). 

    You could use Policy API to evaluate the eligibility of a promotion if you don't want to use TMF679


    these APIs currently don't support promotion.

    Promotion action:

    not described by TM Forum, however, the Product Configuration service (part of TMFC027 and exposed by API TMF760) has all the functions to perform promotion action.

    We have "permanent" promotion (free stuff if you buy product ABC and select a specific Characteristic value of other products) and we use the Product Configuration service to apply the actions of the promotion assuming customer has met all conditions (which are validated by a policy, cf Policy API).

    If customer pass all but one condition, then we make a recommendation (using TMF680) to recommend customer to buy the last product or select the last characteristic value of a product to fully qualify for the promotion.

    Product Inventory:

    currently not explicitly supporting the "promotion" SID entity. If you need to, I see 2 options:

    • use polymorphism with the productOffering (TMF630 explains how to use this)
    • use ProductTerms to store the promotion information/T&C

    It seems Promotion is still "work in progress" at TMF but you can make your own solution with existing TMF APIs and a bit of creativity.

    Kind regards,

    Matthieu Hattab
    Lyse Tele AS

  • 4.  RE: Promotion - Criteria Check and Storing Promo info on ordering details

    TM Forum Member
    Posted 8 days ago

    Hi @Abhijeet Sharma,

    here are my 2 cents on this 

    promo is configured in Product catalogue as an addon with zero charge ,whenever the criteria meet in CPQ 

    Step1: CPQ validate the Trigger (Some conditions with AND operations in the order), if all are true 

    Step2: pick the Addon from Product catalogue and book the promo offer to OM for activation in charging and billing 

    Note: Used mix of TMF and customized APIS to implement the above 
