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TMF669 PartyRole example confusion

  • 1.  TMF669 PartyRole example confusion

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Jul 27, 2022 04:02
    Hello experts,

    I've been looking at the example partyRole creation in the TMF669 documentation and I'm struggling to understand the "Global Pirates" examples.

    With the assumption that an existing Party of referredType "Organization" exists (created via TMF632) as per below without a role (partyRole) assigned yet.... :-

    "relatedParty": {
    "@referredType": "Organization",
    "href": "https:/host:port/tmf-api/partyManagement/v4/organization/99",
    "id": "99",
    "name": "Global Pirates",
    "role": ""

    I assume the creation of partyRole via TMF669 simply refers to the that above Party via the "engagedParty" of that create (which the example evidences). What confuses me from the example is that the existing Party has the same name as the partyRole being created :-

    POST /tmf-api/partyRoleManagement/v4/partyRole
    Content-Type: application/json
    "name": "Global Pirates",
    "engagedParty": {
    "href": "https:/host:port/tmf-api/partyManagement/v2/organization/99",
    "name": "Global Pirates",
    "role": "Provider"

    If the partyRole was say "Pirates R Us" and I used... :-

    POST /tmf-api/partyRoleManagement/v4/partyRole
    Content-Type: application/json
    "name": "Pirates R Us",
    "engagedParty": {
    "href": "https:/host:port/tmf-api/partyManagement/v2/organization/99",
    "name": "Global Pirates",
    "role": "Provider"

    ...can you tell me what the output would be? I would expect it to be:

    "href": "https:/host:port/tmf-api/partyRoleManagement/v2/partyRole/4079",
    "id": "4079",
    "name": "Pirates R Us",
    "engagedParty": {
    "@referredType": "Organization",
    "href": "https:/host:port/tmf-api/partyManagement/v2/organization/99",
    "id": "99",
    "name": "Global Pirates",
    "role": "Provider"

    Where I'm I'm effectively using the party role template of "Pirates R Us" (with id 4079) to add a role of "Provider" to the Party "Global Pirates" (with id 99). Is this a correct understanding?

    Many thanks.

    Jonathan Stonehouse
    BT Group plc