You're right, in SID this relationship seems to be limited to tangible Products specification, not only in the comments but also in the model itself: the relationship ProductSpecRealizedAs between ProductSpec and ResourceSpec is a navigation relationship and the available details show a link through Stock Item.
Original Message:
Sent: Apr 22, 2024 22:02
From: Dan d'Albuquerque
Subject: Relationship between CFS and Resource
Hi @Sylvie Demarest
The latest update to TMFS008 - Service/Resource Catalog View for a Postpaid Mobile Line use case (3.1.0) has added a relationship directly between the eSIM product spec and the eSIM profile logical resource (see below). In earlier versions of SID, this relationship was typically only for tangible goods. I can see from the previous use case version 3.0.1 that the eSIM CFS has now been removed. Will this change be reflected in SID (or has it already)?

Dan d'Albuquerque
Original Message:
Sent: Mar 07, 2024 12:14
From: Sylvie Demarest
Subject: Relationship between CFS and Resource
Hi Matthieu, you can have a look to the ODA use case TMFS008, especially the Service and Resource Catalog view : we described the example of a Mobile Line CFSspec, with its 4G and 5G RFSspec, plus a pre-requisite link to a SIM Card or an eSIM profile resource.
We express here that the SIM card is a functional pre-requisite to the Mobile Line. It is not part of the Mobile Line RFSspec, as it constitutes a dedicated product, that can be ordered or changed by the customer without asking a change at the Mobile Line product itself.
So if we add this relationship in the SID model, we will also need to be able to have it in the related API.
Hope it clarifies.
Sylvie Demarest
Original Message:
Sent: Mar 07, 2024 11:34
From: Matthieu Hattab
Subject: Relationship between CFS and Resource
If I understand the SID correctly:
- CFSSpec (know-how) requires at least one RFSSpec (technical solution)
- and of course the RFSSpec requires at least one RSpec
so you have an (indirect) relationship between CFSSpec and RSpec.
can you share your example of a CFSSpec that requires a RSpec without a RFSSpec "in the middle"?
Since you posted in the API community, do you want to see that CFSSpec -> RSpec relationship in the service catalogue API?
Kind regards,
Matthieu Hattab
Lyse Platform
Original Message:
Sent: Mar 06, 2024 04:59
From: Opher Yaron
Subject: Relationship between CFS and Resource
Hello experts,
In the relatively new TMFS003 "Order Capture - Fiber Contract", it is identified that the SID does not support defining prerequisite relationships between CFS Specification and Resource Specification. Consequently, a respective JIRA ticket was created: [ISA-905] Add a relationship between CFS Spec and Resource Spec - TM Forum JIRA
However, there is no word about how this relationship is supposed to be reflected in corresponding CFS and Resource instances.
The obvious candidate would be "supportingResource", but it is explicitly specified for Services that "Note: only Service of type RFS can be associated with Resources."
I believe that such relationship (between CFS and Resource instances) is necessary as well. Incidentally, we have recently encountered this need in our work on Product-Service-Resource modelling.
Do you agree? Does anyone have a different view?
Best regards,
Opher Yaron
Proximus SA