Open APIs

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  • 1.  Resource Inventory

    Posted Jul 07, 2020 07:10
    Edited by Natarajan Periyasamy Jul 07, 2020 07:35

    Hi there,

    We are planning to re-architecture the number management system, as part of this initiative plan to use Open API specification to define the REST APIs. I have learned from previous forum discussions that TMF639 and TMF685 specifications should be considered for number management system.


    1. Any specification for Mobile Number Portability (MNP) functionality?
    2. Specification for logical (ex- SIM, Voucher, starter pack Ordering) and physical resource (ex, Equipment's) ordering? TMF659 is right specification for this requirement?
    Natarajan Periyasamy
    Evolving Systems

  • 2.  RE: Resource Inventory

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Jul 07, 2020 10:45
    Hi Natajaran
    There is a new API under consideration, TMF696, for resource portability (including MNP). But it's early days, I don't have visibility as to when this API might be ready.
    Regarding specification for resources, probably you want to look at TMF634, Resource Catalog. For actually ordering resources, TMF652 might be appropriate (there is no API with number TMF659).
    Hope it helps.

    Jonathan Goldberg
    Amdocs Management Limited
    Any opinions and statements made by me on this forum are purely personal, and do not necessarily reflect the position of the TM Forum or my employer.

  • 3.  RE: Resource Inventory

    Posted Jul 09, 2020 10:31
    Dear Jonathan,

    Thanks for your response. It certainly helps.
    My bad!, i meant to ask for TMF652 specification on resource ordering part. I have few questions on TMF652 spec hopefully you can help me with,
    1. TMF652 is common spec for logical and physical resource ordering? since i'm not finding such a categorization in resourceOrder API.
    2. Logical resource ordering (ex, SIM Ordering) needs technical purchase order (TPO) file consist MSISDN, ICCID and IMSI information to vendor and response from vendor includes the network profile information(like PIN,PUK, KI,etc ..), But i couldn't find such relevant information in TMF652 spec. How this should be handled for SIM ordering?

    Or i'm missing something here?

    Thanks again for your help!

    Natarajan Periyasamy
    Evolving Systems

  • 4.  RE: Resource Inventory

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Jul 13, 2020 10:03
    Indeed there is a single Resource Order model and API, no separation between logical and physical. You can create strongly typed extensions of Resource, and then also of Resource Order, to meet your specific needs. These will presumably differ depending on the resource type, as you pointed out for SIM card orders from the manufacturer.
    Hope it helps

    Jonathan Goldberg
    Amdocs Management Limited
    Any opinions and statements made by me on this forum are purely personal, and do not necessarily reflect the position of the TM Forum or my employer.

  • 5.  RE: Resource Inventory

    Posted Mar 14, 2023 14:23

    Dear NatarajanNatarajan Periyasamy,

    hope you are doing well. I'm in the same situation as you were in 2020 !

    do you find which TMF API can handle MNP? (mobile number portability)

    this will be very helpful for me.



    boualem adjrane

  • 6.  RE: Resource Inventory

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Mar 15, 2023 09:54

    Hi Boualem,

    I have no idea about number portability API. However, if you're interested by data modeling, you can refer to the Information Framework (SID) document : "GB922 Resource Domain Business Entities - Release 21.0.0".

    Hope it helps.

    Tarak JOULAK
    Tunisie Telecom

  • 7.  RE: Resource Inventory

    Posted May 17, 2023 06:40

    Is there any plan or timeline for the number portability API?
    We are also starting a project of modernising our Number Porting capabilities and would be very interested in anything TMForum offers.

    David Smith
    Liquid Telecom