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Resource order management vs resource activation

  • 1.  Resource order management vs resource activation

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Feb 16, 2024 01:53


    Resource order management (ROM) receives resource order request that contains multiple resource order items. Each resource order item contains one resource (an instance of resource specification). Resource activation (RA) receives a resource as request. Both of them receives resource structure. According to ig1228 uc008, ROM receives request from SOM. Then it passes the request to RA. In my opinion, one of them is enough to fulfill resource request. Why did the use case implement both?

    Myagaa Nm
    Mobicom Corporation

  • 2.  RE: Resource order management vs resource activation

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Feb 19, 2024 01:52

    Some folks will say that service order management (SOM) is all that is needed. You may implement as few or as many of the Open APIs as you find appropriate. In this example an answer to your question could be that there are systems, or network elements, in your operating environment which produce TMF702 or TMF664 interfaces. If your ROM employs another interface to instantiate resources (i.e. NETCONF) than so be it. The full picture includes Catalog, Inventory and Activation which are all logically required, whether you are using TM Forum Open APIs or not.

    Vance Shipley

  • 3.  RE: Resource order management vs resource activation

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Feb 19, 2024 04:51

    Would be best to post this as a comment on IG1228 UC008 at 
    TMFS008 Use Case: Service and Resource Order Management for Postpaid Mobile Subscribers v3.0.1 (E2E-xxx) - End to end ODA - TM Forum Confluence

    Note there was some discussion on resource configuration at the Accelerate Week see Production: Components & Interactions - Components and Canvas - TM Forum Confluence

    As Vance commented its not necssary  to use all teh TMF API and  the exact choice of APIs depends on the deployment environment so difficult in a single  use case to prescriptive. Indeed Use cases are really examples 

    Note that IG1224 has some guidance o this topic at the service level 

    NaaS Transformation v13.0.0 (IG1224) – TM Forum

    and the current thinking is to use NaaS as the exposure model from ODA production accepting that there may be several reasonable resource level implementation options driven by the specific deployment environment ( technology, supplier )


    Dave Milham
    TM Forum, Chief Architect

  • 4.  RE: Resource order management vs resource activation

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Feb 19, 2024 07:23


    We recently had a similar discussion in the ODA component group. As a conclusion Resource order management is defined as an component that orchestrates dependencies and updates resource inventories. ROM doesn't interact in any non TMF protocols. It calls a resource activation component that translates TMF formated activation in a protocol/API managed by another SDO (Standards Developing Organisation) (Netconf, SNMP, ...)

    I hope that clarifies the separation.


    Koen Peeters
    OryxGateway FZ LLC

  • 5.  RE: Resource order management vs resource activation

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Feb 19, 2024 08:27

    Koen, thanks that's a useful set of ideas from the ODA component team.

    Dave Milham
    TM Forum, Chief Architect

  • 6.  RE: Resource order management vs resource activation

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Feb 19, 2024 09:20
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    According to ig1228 v16 uc008, the ROM calls a non TMF API "SM-DP+". You wrote that ROM doesn't interact in any non TMF protocol. Select/get actions are allowed?

    Myagaa Nm
    Mobicom Corporation

  • 7.  RE: Resource order management vs resource activation

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Feb 19, 2024 09:28


    The discussion regarding ROM and Resource Activation & Configuration dates from this month. Documentation of ig1228 UC to reflect this is work in progress.

    Thanks for pointing out the sequence diagram that requires correction.


    Koen Peeters
    OryxGateway FZ LLC

  • 8.  RE: Resource order management vs resource activation

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Feb 19, 2024 09:51

    Okay. I see. Thank you.

    Myagaa Nm
    Mobicom Corporation

  • 9.  RE: Resource order management vs resource activation

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Feb 19, 2024 09:54


    The demand for having ROM and Resource Configuration/ Activation components separately was discussed in the previous Accelerate . We considered the traditional use cases with physical network elements. One of the motivations for having ROM and Resource Configuration components separately is regulator requirements in some countries. The current list of available ROM APIs is presented in TMFC011:Resource Order Management

    UC008 was created before this proposal and doesn't have yet this component, so will be updated. TMF NaaS architecture implies having TMF ODA E2E Service Management Domain and different ODMs which was depicted in IG1224 noted by Dave.

    Thank you for your comments.

    Dmytro Gassanov
    TM Forum

  • 10.  RE: Resource order management vs resource activation

    Posted Feb 20, 2024 02:43

    Confused, Koen is suggesting a separate component (ODA-C) for the TMF702 Resource Activation & Configuration provider (which I agree with), yet others are still suggesting that resource provisioning is part of the ROM.  Should the ROM ODA-C then be renamed Resource Provisioning and the SOM ODA-C renamed Service Orchestration (to incorporate both SOM and SA-TMF640)?

    Dan d'Albuquerque

  • 11.  RE: Resource order management vs resource activation

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Feb 20, 2024 03:44
    Edited by Dave Milham Feb 20, 2024 10:36

    I would suggest this discussion would be best continued as comment on the live team discussions.

    1. See Production: Components & Interactions - Components and Canvas - TM Forum Confluence 

    updated 15 Feb 2024 by @Anastasios Sarantis    to describe  ODA production Components and their interaction based on discussion at Accelerate

    As Dmytro mentioned at Accelerate  there was agreement to introduce a new component called Resource configurator similar to the Product Configurator. Rationale was that the profile and configuration templates need to be under the control of Network departments to meet emerging regulations on securing critical infrastructure.

    Anastasios will be creating an ODA  Component specification for this new component. 

    2. The diagrams in IG1228 UC0008 will need to be updated to reflect the Accelerator discussion agreements. It would be good to add you comment about the diagram as a contribution to the team which meets Thursday at 13;00 GMT ( under e2e ODA ) or as a feedback on on TMFS008 Use Case: Service and Resource Order Management for Postpaid Mobile Subscribers v3.0.1 – TM Forum

    Dave Milham
    TM Forum, Chief Architect

  • 12.  RE: Resource order management vs resource activation

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Feb 20, 2024 04:49

    @Dan d'Albuquerque: It is permitted in the ODA model that a vendor creates a software that includes more than one components. In this particular case however it could mean that a combined Resource Order Management and Resource Configurator will nt be permitted in certain jurisdictions.

    Koen Peeters
    OryxGateway FZ LLC

  • 13.  RE: Resource order management vs resource activation

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Feb 19, 2024 10:24
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    I understand ROM shouldn't interact with non TMF APIs. Resource activation receives resource. It calls non TMF APIs. It should translate resource to the api request. According to ig1228 uc008, API spec is resource spec. Then resource inventory stores api records that is instance of api spec. Tmf730 document contains api spec and api resource description. But it is not enough to translate resource to the api request. I didn't understand well that how the use case implements the specs in resource catalog. Because api doesn't contain enough informationin tmf730, I couldn't get well. In my opinion, I need some hard coded translation between the resource and non tmf api. I am interested in how can I implement the translation with no hardcoded solution? Because I need to define request body and response body template in the api spec. Then I can check response of api comparing it with response body template if it is successful.@Vance Shipley@Dave Milham@Koen Peeters

    Myagaa Nm
    Mobicom Corporation

  • 14.  RE: Resource order management vs resource activation

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Feb 19, 2024 13:40

    As a software vendor, I reject the notion that any API or Component specification imposes any limitation on what our software may implement.  To comply with specifications we must implement what is in the specifications, however a great many things are not in the specifications.  There should be no assumption that anything absent from a specification implies a prohibition.   

    Vance Shipley