@Sanjay Vyas asks about mapping equipment inventory to Open APIs.
You'll want to understand the information model from which the source data model is derived. For best results the process is to map from one information model to another (i.e. 3GPP NRM -> TM Forum SID) then with that established map the source data model to the target data model (i.e. TMF634, TMF639). The 3GPP Network Resource Model (NRM) example is described in IG1217.
You specifically ask about equipment with shelves of cards. This is discussed in GB922 Resource with the EquipmentHolder class.
Now, as @Ragavi Ramasamy rightly says, you need to create Resource Specifications (TMF634) for the entities you will inventory with TMF639. Following your suggestion you might have matching specifications in your catalog with the associations represented in the resourceSpecRelationship
"name": "MyEquipment",
"@type": "PhysicalResourceSpecification",
"vendor": "Acme",
"model": "Alpha",
"resourceSpecRelationship": [
"name": "MyShelf",
"@type": "PhysicalResourceSpecification",
"relationshipType": "contains",
"name": "MyShelf",
"@type": "PhysicalResourceSpecification",
"resourceSpecRelationship": [
"name": "MySlot",
"@type": "PhysicalResourceSpecification",
"relationshipType": "contains",
"name": "MySlot",
"@type": "PhysicalResourceSpecification",
"resourceSpecRelationship": [
"name": "MyPort",
"@type": "PhysicalResourceSpecification",
"relationshipType": "contains",
"name": "MyPort",
"@type": "PhysicalResourceSpecification",
You will then have an item in your inventory for each of these entity types, for example:
"name": "MyEquipment",
"@type": "PhysicalResource",
"serialNumber": "1234567890",
"place": {...},
"resourceRelationship": [
"relationshipType": "contains",
"resource": {...}
The attributes you require are either mapped to existing attributes, add as polymorphic attributes, or implemented as Characteristics:
- location: use the
attribute of Resource
- name: use the
attribute of Resource
- model: use the
attribute of PhysicalResourceSpecification
- type: use
attribute of ResourceSpecification or create a Characteristic
- logical: create a Characteristic
Vance Shipley
Original Message:
Sent: Dec 19, 2023 01:09
From: Sanjay Vyas
Subject: SID - Resource Inventory
We are evaluating the CSP OSS Inventory to fit into TMF Resource Inventory Data Model or any relevant TMF .
Our requirement will be to convert Equipment Hierarchy to Resource standard along with attribute information .
Please suggest the sample mapping to move forward as per TMF Data Modal (may be 639 only or any other )
- Location
- name
- model
- type
- logical
- etc