Hi @Varun Pandhi
thanks. I added the need for a lifecycle of ProductOrdeItem in an existing JIRA for upgrading ProductOrder lifecycle.
Regarding ProductInventory, it's an issue on User Guide generation, because the work has been done but doesn't appear on the document (for v5). I also created a JIRA for this.
olivier arnaud
Original Message:
Sent: Feb 29, 2024 10:16
From: Varun Pandhi
Subject: State transition diagrams for Product and ProductOrderItem in TMF 622
Hi all,
We couldn't see any state transition diagram for "Product" and "ProductOrderItem" resources in TMF 622 Product Ordering API User guide.
We could see similar ones for "ProductOrder" and "CancelProductOrder" in the document.
We scanned through TMF 637 Product Inventory API User Guide too, but couldn't find state transition diagram for Product resource.
Could anyone please help?
Varun Pandhi