Hi Varun
Please note that the ProductOffering class itself is not specialized for inclusion in a bundle. It's only the ProductOfferingRef that is specialized, by the addition of the cardinality options.
It is meaningless to do a GET on ProductOfferingRef, or on BundledProductOffering, since these are not managed entities. You would do GET on ProductOffering, and the @type in the top-level ProductOffering response would be ProductOffering. Each element in the contained BundledProductOffering list in the response would have @type BundledProductOffering.
You can of course do a GET on the ProductOffering referred to by BundledProductOffering, and this would return a full ProductOffering with @type ProductOffering.
Hope it helps
Jonathan Goldberg
Amdocs Management Limited
Any opinions and statements made by me on this forum are purely personal, and do not necessarily reflect the position of the TM Forum or my employer.
Original Message:
Sent: Mar 17, 2024 07:22
From: Varun Pandhi
Subject: TMF 620: Individual GET ProductOffering API call for bundledProductOfferings
Hi all,
We could see that ProductOffering resource model has ProductOffering resource which has aggregation relationship with BundledProoductOffering.

If we take a sample Product model as below,

And, make a GET ProductOffering API call for "SD-WAN Service Package", we would get the details for bundledProductOfferings "SD-WAN Controller Base", "SD-WAN Controller Advanced", "Ciena 3906" and "VMWare Edge 540" with @type = BundledProductOffering in response.
Since, as per the Product resource model these BundledProductOfferings are a specialization of ProductOfferingRef, hence as per our understanding GET ProductOffering API call can be made for these bundledProductOfferings ("SD-WAN Controller Base", "SD-WAN Controller Advanced", "Ciena 3906" and "VMWare Edge 540") individually too. Please confirm.
If yes, then in the individual GET ProductOffering API call for these bundledProductOfferings ("SD-WAN Controller Base", "SD-WAN Controller Advanced", "Ciena 3906" and "VMWare Edge 540"), the response should have @type = ProductOffering or BundledProductOffering?
Varun Pandhi